There is nothing new regarding what makes a blog successful.
It is quality content, some promotion, and persistence.
Daniel Scocco has lived and studied in several places around the world, including Italy, Chile and Brazil. After receiving a degree in International Economics and working for one year in a multinational company, he decided to pursue entrepreneurial projects on the Internet.
He started developing blogs and websites in 2005, and Daily Blog Tips is the place where he shares what he learned along the way. The blog was nominated under the “Best Web Development Blog” category in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and currently it is ranked among the 500 most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati) and among the 100 most popular marketing blogs in the world (according to AdvertisingAge).
Q1: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?
A1: Back in 2005 when I got my degree in International Economics I was left with a big document that I had prepared for my thesis.
Instead of letting the document sit idle and gather dust, I decided to chop it off into small articles and publish them on the web.
That is when I started researching about web publishing models, and when I came across blogging.
Q2: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?
A2: My blog is about blogging. I cover all sides of it, from web design to search engine optimization, from generating traffic to making money with the blog. I am the only writer.
Q3: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?
A3: The blog gets around 5,000 unique visitors and 10,000 page views per day. If I remember well 50% of the traffic comes from the US, 15% UK, 10% Canada, 8% India and then other countries.
Q4: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?
A4: I started blogging when I was 21. One year later I had already quit my 9 to 5 job to work full time on the Internet. Today I have several online projects, but the blogs still make around 50% of my overall income.
Q5: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?
A5: –
Q6: From the secret bucket of your blogging experiences, what tips you would like to share with the fellow bloggers?
A6: There is nothing new regarding what makes a blog successful. It is quality content, some promotion, and persistence.
Q7: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?
A7: In a sense yes, because it allows me to share my ideas and opinions with a lot of people.
Q8: What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
A8: I like to think that every new day is the best one I have lived so far. Gloomiest? Probably when Brazil lost the World Cup final to France in 1998.
Q9: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?
A9: Professionally speaking I would like to visit the west coast of the United States, because that is the epicenter of all things tech.
Spiritually speaking I would like to visit India and Nepal.
After that I would need to relax a bit, so probably some tropical island in central America.
I would like to take my girlfriend with me.
Q10: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?
A10: Yes I like movies a lot. Here are some of my favorites:
– The GodFather Trilogy
– A Clockwork Orange
– Pulp Fiction
– Scarface
– The Matrix
Q11: How has blogging helped you other than money?
A11: It helped me to meet many interesting people from around the world.
Q12: What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
A12: Probably my perfectionism. It is a bad thing when it paralyzes you. Lately I am improving on that aspect though.
Q13: What is your deepest fear?
A13: Not living up to my principles.
Q14: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
A14: Siddharta Gautama.
Q15: Which is your favorite television show? Favorite songs?
A15: I don’t have a television. As for music I am quite a fan of Eminem.
Q16: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?
A16: Around 20 Brazilian Reais ($10 more or less). I use my credit card for most things.
Q17: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?
A17: I eat everything. Favorite would be red meat.
Q18: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?
A18: I am all for tech advancement. However, I also believe that people must use those advancements consciously, and only as far as they will make their lives more meaningful and productive.
Q19: List out the 10 bloggers you believe should be interviewed by
A19: Darren Rowse, John Chow, Neil Patel, Tamar Weinberg, Michael Gray, Yaro Starak, Chris Garrett, Hamlet Batista, Zac Johnson and Courtney Tuttle.
Q20: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?
A20: I just want to say thanks for the interview.
Courtesy: Contents of “About” as well as photo – (Daniel Scocco)
Hi Daniel,
Glad to read your interview here on Speakbindas. Thanks for the tips of blogging. I have been following your blog since sometime now.
I also await for the admission-opening for