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Interview of Shubham Choudhary

Shubham Choudhary

Shubham Choudhary

Shubham Choudhary, a writer, a poet, a blogger and an aspiring author. And well, something beyond that too. Now those “some” things comprise of a geeky engineer who studied a lot to get through the so called toughest competitions in the world known as JEE and AIEEE, an aspiring RJ who has won many awards for the same and a budding entrepreneur.


As per your view, who do you think Shubham Choudhary is?

Just another guy, who probably has too much to say to the world. Is totally mad! Who does what his heart says and who lives every moment to the fullest.

Your blog is getting quite big hits and your articles are also being published on reputed sites, so was this talent of writing you had right from the beginning or you figured this out lately? And when did you realize that you should go for it?

Ans:   If we talk about the start, well I used to take deep interest even in the articles I wrote in my English exams in the eighth grade. But I never thought I would write on any bigger level. It all started when I joined TheWittyShit.com as a wit-maker, and then around six months back, inspired by some prolific blogger friends and having a lot of time to do nothing, I started my blog ABugInMyMind. I never publicized it, but once people started noticing it, just like everyone else, I also started loving the appreciation and then the things just kept getting better.

If you had to pick one of your favourite article/poem, out of the hundreds you wrote, which one would that be? And why?

Ans: Without being idealistic, I guess the “5 questions guys can’t answer” was one post that I enjoyed the most while writing. In poems, I would choose “I miss my childhood”. Both relate to me a lot, in different ways obviously.

Everyone gets inspired from something/someone, what is your inspiration?

Ans: I think everyone in the world has something to inspire you. I learned how to smile while you struggle from my father, how to forgive from my mother, optimism from my sister. Among the general names everyone takes, Sachin Tendulkar is the person from whom I practically learnt actions speak louder than words.

One of your very popular quotes on a website was “if your to be wife mistook you for a waiter, how would you reply?” and you posted that “no problem ma’am saari umar toh aap hi ko order dene hain”
so do you really believe like that or was it 2 get some girl likes? 😛

Ans: I guess girls would be reading this interview so yes I do think that. Ha ha, actually yes, I think in a relationship, though everyone says equality must be there, but at the end of the day, girls are the leaders 😛

Among guys of your age having a crush, dating etc. Are quite common, so is there someone whom you would like to propose this valentine? And only yes or no won’t work.

Ans: You had to say the last line didn’t you? Yes, crushes are common, I am lucky to have had a few myself, and luckier to have overcome them. But I have never been in a relationship. And it’s not that I am waiting for that perfect person, but maybe I am not that perfect person myself. 😛

You didn’t answer about the valentine?

Ans: oh you noticed that! No. I would rather celebrate the teddy and chocolate day before that.

So are you inspired from some TV character, I see a lot of Barney Stinson ideology in your answers!?

Ans: A lot. Barney Stinson and Chandler Bing, two characters that have really changed the way I think. Being inspired from Chandler, I don’t mind when someone criticizes or insults me, being inspired from Barney, I can easily revert back in the same way to that person without him knowing that.

Moving to a different topic, with all these young authors gaining popularity these hands, you also plan to go on something like that or will you b confining yourself 2 articles/blogs only?

Ans: Confining myself, no way. I am nothing right now with like a thousand better writers than me in my own circle. In fact, I am presently working on a story which someday I would like to see as a novel, nothing planned though.

You are working with a start-up called TalEx, what is it about n what’s your role in it?

Ans: TalEx, it’s a start up by my friends at IIT Hyderabad later on joined by me. We basically connect the young talents to the people who need them. If you’re a photographer, writer, designer or anything else, and don’t know where to showcase your talent, TalEx is there for you. I am currently managing the operations part of the company, with many of the big names like Spykar and Snapdeal associated with us.

So how does it feel to be an entrepreneur, an engineer, a writer, a blogger, an aspiring RJ and so much more? Isn’t it a little too much even for a multi tasker?

Ans: How can I say anything else but awesome! And yes, it is too much, and I am paying for it in terms of my semester results. But if I hadn’t done any of it, then even being a class topper wouldn’t have made me happy. Believe me, I used to study when I was in tenth 😛

Apart from writing what do you like to do in your leisure time?

Ans: leisure time, what is that? Just kidding, I hardly get time to do anything else, but when I do, I dance like crazies. I am not a dancer, but generally it’s only me, my room and super loud speakers.

So do you see those bits of fame coming your way? Any fan mails you would like to tell us about?

Ans: Frankly, I am still wondering if I really deserved this interview. I have just started my journey as any of the things you mentioned above, but fan mails, yes a few. Although I can tell you about the first hate comment on my blog which said “Stupid post” and a 30 lines after that. I actually felt good, because that was the first time I actually came to know how it feels to be criticized!

Rapid Fire:

Your passion:

Writing, and engineering (though I am not very good at both)

Your love:


One thing you can’t stand:


One thing you’re always ready for:

Struggles, challenges and pizza.

One quality that makes you different:

Optimism and a smile in every situation.

One thing that you want to change about yourself:

Laziness. (only if there was some potion that could make me disciplined and punctual).

Favourite Author:

I don’t read that much. But Cecelia Ahern is my favourite.

Favourite Actor/actress:

Gerard butler/Scarlet Johansson.

And lastly, five years from now, where do you see yourself. ?

Ans: Big question, I can’t say. But wherever I will be, I will be doing something that pleases my heart and not just makes money. (Though it has to make money too 😛 )


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

21 thoughts on “Interview of Shubham Choudhary

  1. dineshtilva says:

    ઘ ણા લાં બા સ મ યે સ્પી ક બિ ન્દા સ ની અ પ ડે ટ ને આ વ કાં ર…………

    1. sourabh says:

      cool man, inspiring 😉

      1. shubham says:

        Thanks.. i try 😛

  2. Amit Kumar says:

    Great Interview Shubhi, keep up the good spirits. Wish you all the best.

    1. Thanks.. i try my best for that 🙂

  3. shilpi says:

    arrey…isme to main bhi hun…vo main hi hun na??? 😀

    1. Koi shak? 😛
      Waise its both of u (Diplomatic 😛 )

  4. swati goyal says:

    congrats bro!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Amit Kumar says:

    Khoon ka rishta again…

  6. Hey Shubham

    Fantastic Lad. What a great way of entering the new Year with a great Interview. Besties for the long Communicative and Creative career….

    1. shubham says:

      Thank you sir, thanks for the wishes 🙂

  7. Abhishek Jaiswal says:

    Great going Shubham … keep up the good work

    1. shubham says:

      Thanks. Means a lot 🙂

  8. shivam says:

    great interview and congrance……………

  9. Anjali Pathak says:

    Great interview….and being true to yourself makes everything easier and better….accepting everything good and bad in you…..this proves that you are not only good at writing but also good at heart….God bless!!!
    Wish you a very bright future ahead….!!!

    1. shubham says:

      Thanks.. i didn’t expect ur comment here 😛
      And good at heart.. well.. i try 😀
      Thanks again

  10. devendra shrimal says:

    superb shubham choudhary …. i like writer to much & like read to ,, u amazing guy , these such all things in one human with your college life,,,,, great one

    1. shubhamc21 says:

      Thanks Devendra. I believe you too can do it, just a little inspiration is all we need 🙂

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