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Interview of Ashok Aatreya

Video of Interview. Duration: 16:40

Ashok Aatreya

Ashok Aatreya

Ashok Aatreya is a journalist, a writer and a film maker. He lives in the pink city of India – Jaipur. He came to Rajkot recently and showed a short film made by him named “The Inverted Tree” which consists of 128 photographs of Mahatma Gandhi.

SpeakBindas had a fine conversation with him about this short film as well as his other creations and thoughts. He has thoroughly conversed on various interesting topics such as Ashwath, Mahabharata, The Sun and much more.

Devang Vibhakar In Conversation with Ashok Aatreya While Gifting Him His Book "SpeakBindas - Following The Inner Passion"

Devang Vibhakar In Conversation with Ashok Aatreya While Gifting Him His Book "SpeakBindas - Following The Inner Passion"


Akila for information about his program in Rajkot. Dinesh Tilva for organizing this interview at his multi-creative office.


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

2 thoughts on “Interview of Ashok Aatreya

  1. ashokaatreya says:

    I like the way the interview was conducted and the professional approach of Speak Bindas is made..It all carried my interest forward to wider audience..Rhanks Devang..I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST…and also many thanks to Dinesh Tilwas who made all this possible in the name of my film..Bapii:TheInverted Tree..

  2. ashokaatreya says:

    I like the way the interview was conducted and the professional approach of Speak Bindas is made..

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