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Time To Decide: Do We Want Our Next Generation Children To See These Birds Only in Stories?

It’s winter season and lots of migrating birds will become Guest of state of Gujarat. Few days back on there was “International Bird Conference” at Khijadiya on 25th Nov to 28th Nov. Birds watchers, Scientists and other people who are interested in bird watching from all around the world attended the conference. Government of Gujarat is focusing on tourism at Khijadiya bird Sanctuary. So it is being developed for bird lovers. Two new watch towers, Camp site development, Fiber glass domes and lots of other latest equipments for migrating birds. It is good that Government is doing something and focusing in development. But it is all about the tourism.

Days by day each and every species is getting in Endangered species. This kind of conference is a little step to save the birds who are already in Endangered species list. But currently we are thinking about the migrating bird, but have you looked around you that there were lots of bird around you which now a days are disappeared. Why?? It is because of lots of air pollution, noise pollution and illegal hunting of birds for illegal bird business in International market or for some kind of personal fun.

There were lots of birds around us like sparrow, crows, vultures and so more which are common birds. But at present they all are disappeared. Sparrow is common birds around us. You might have seen them in a big or small group in your garden area or in your back yard. But now days it is very rare to watch a single sparrow in city area. It is due to too much noise pollution or it is due to much air pollution.

Science still has not been able to find out that which kind of pollution is problematic for sparrows in city area. But it is true that sparrow is disappearing day by day. Now days it is rare to see a single crow in city area or a single vultures in city area. We are focusing on migrating birds only but we are not focusing on common birds around us who are always with us.

I have kept a small bird house at my terrace for sparrow, so sparrow can make nest and do breeding. But it is still empty, because of due to lots of noise and air pollution it is very hard to see single sparrow not only around my house but it has disappeared from whole area. Or I can say that, sparrow has disappeared from major areas of city. Same case with Crows and Vultures. Vultures has disappeared due to lots of buildings, and cutting the trees. So, no tree no Vulture. There are few people who work to save this common birds. Like environmentalist V D Bala of  Navarang Nature club in Rajkot. They have distributed small bird house.  So you can put it at your home and bird can make nest and breeding in that bird house.

Sparrow House

Sparrow House - I'm ready with a smile, can you see it?

Each and every country facing the same situation. Right now some people are working for save this birds in different different cities.

But it is not enough. Each and every person should know importance of  other life and only then after we can save these birds.This kind of Conference gives us awareness that this world is not only for Humans. But it’s just a  little step. And it has become for limited people. This is the time that we can save these birds. Else these birds will live only in our stories and pictures. Like bird Dodo. And there are so many birds which are extinct from this earth. And only human is responsible for their extinction. Common birds is a small example. There are lots and lots animals, birds, insects who need our attention. Because they are in nearly Endangered. It’s all because of us.


Posts by SpeakBindas Editorial Team.

7 thoughts on “Time To Decide: Do We Want Our Next Generation Children To See These Birds Only in Stories?

  1. Mr. V D Bala is doing an exceptional job to save sparrows. He just doesn’t deliver lectures on it, but performs required action too. Bravo to him.

    And Bravo to you Tapan for spreading awareness on the endangered species. Even if the 1% of the total readers do act, the purpose of your message will be served.

    Between, when I go to my native village, I see lots of sparrows there, but not here in Rajkot.

  2. T A Ramesh says:

    Common birds like sparrow and eagles are really missing in Pondicherry town too! A lot birds like sparrow, mynah and robin are no more to be seen around the town. A poem in this regard I would like to share with your readers here!

    Feathered creatures thrive on pleasant location;
    Destruction and new construction change life;
    Sparrow, Robin and Wren no more like towns!

    New location far away from the concrete jungle
    Little birds prefer near ponds, brooks and lake
    To thrive on fish and crabs rich protein food!

    Men living on congested cities have no choice
    And have no heart to provide abode for sparrows
    Who look for greener pasture to enjoy heaven!

    Life has no value in the modern mechanical world
    Giving “be all and end all” value to money, materials
    And disillusioned at the fag end of life with no respite!

    Let not mighty man feel proud of his beginning valours
    And bemoan at the end little knowing fine life of Wrens!

    1. varu vishal vikrambhai says:

      sir my name is vishal and i ranning F.Y.B.COM in Anand .i’ living to jamnagar and this is my addres- Sadhana Colony , Nandanvan socty – 2 , jamnagar. Full name VARU VISHAL VIKRAM BHAI.

  3. Mehzada Mohiuddin says:

    im Mehzada 4m kupwara j&k plz sir tl me why sparrows are gng 2 be vanished day by day.

    1. Tapan Kharsani says:

      @ Mehzada: It’s due to too much noise pollution and air pollution.

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  5. sourav banerjee says:

    can you tell me in details about the effect of air pollution in the life cycle of sparrow…we all know its true and it affect the food web. But I want to know the specific effect which occurs in their life. I will be thankful.

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