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Generation Junction

As the title suggests, today I would like to focus on generation gap that exists in India.

In India population of youth is more, so we can say that we are having three different groups in India. One is below 20 years, second is between 20 to 45 & the third is above 45. So, let’s see how their thinking patterns are.

When it comes to below 20, mostly youngsters of India, they are not down to earth, they are adventurous, dare to try new things, enthusiastic, having great sense of humor.

They  think that they will change the whole world. Few are lazy, few are passionate about their work, few are thinking beyond the imaginations.

They are artists, film makers, engineers, making new projects, they are happy with their life, they believe that life is given by god only once, so, live it fully. They wish to make their own identity, they have their own dreams, ethics to follow.

Then about second group people, they are enough  mature by now, but confuse that why they have exist on the earth, what is the destination of their lives, what should be their career, they should follow parents advice, friends advice or they have work out by their own risk? Again this is the period in which they have to choose their life partner, so, it’s the most important period career wise, as well as I believe that this is like second birth of a person, in which he is trying to understand people around him, no matter they  belong to different casts or from different countries or states, all they are thinking that everyone is different & unique indeed.

Now, about senior citizens, they are indeed more experienced than two group’s people.
But who wish to listen to them? They are suffering from diseases, they are expecting a lot from their kids & others. Now this is the time for them to take care of their health & the biggest problem is that they have to kill their time. They have spent their whole life for their kids, they did all things to make them happy, they have brought up their kids like prince & princess, but now what they are getting in return is ignored by their own kids. This feeling is the worst feeling of the whole world, to get ignored by the people whom you love the most  in the whole world.

Now, these three groups are living like individual three persons. The main problem of youth is that they are not respecting their parents & elders. They should not forget one thing that they will not remain young for the whole life, so spend time with your elders, try to understand them, listen their college experiences & career experiences, it’ll make you to take your life’s important decisions.

Every person cannot live alone. Human being is sensitive & always wishes to be taken care & loved by others, they like to be pampered.

For kids, both of groups should become friend of them, listen them, appreciate their ideas, don’t say that don’t do this or that, let them have own experiences.

If he’s not comfortable with that, he’ll not do that again, but don’t force them to live life according your directions, let them grow themselves, youth should be polite to their elders. Generally now days people are not having time to spend with each other, so, when problem occurs between two people, who have time to clear it or solve it?

So, don’t lust for money too much, relations are most precious in life, don’t let it be so weak that one day you will feel alone in this huge world.

So, tell  your parents that you will take care of them, you will try to be a nice human being who will help & understand everyone. Senior citizens also should think that age matters only physically, but if you think calmly, your mind should be young to take challenges, learn different things. Life is a process in which to learn anything there is no restriction of age. So, make your life colorful, make it busy, make something that your kids also be proud of you.

With the passage of time, life will change, values will change, but basic ethics should not be changed. So, live your life & let others live. Be friend of your kids & care taker & friends to your elders,

And believe me, you will feel that god must give you more 100 years to live in life.


Posts by SpeakBindas Editorial Team.

One thought on “Generation Junction

  1. purvi says:

    KEEP IT UP………

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