Henry David Thoreau once said, “This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” Hard to define the meaning of this sentence if we go by logic but if we just leave it aside, we feel the real joy hidden behind this sentence. Imagination can take you a long way, if you just allow it to pass through you ! Khyatiworks is such an example of taking the art to next level. To say, it is an online art store where you can find a collection of artwork and accessories made by Khyati Mehra Sharma, a software engineer by profession but a painter by passion !
Khyatiworks was started as a hobby and now is an online art store which features various products, falling in realm of handmade, printed and hand-painted items. It covers a variety of products which has a touch of art, such as pendants, earrings, bookmarks, file folders, spiral notebooks, hand painted knobs, ceramic tile coasters, board coasters, table mats, greetings card, mugs gift envelopes, mini dibbis and few other artistic items that would definitely made an art lover feel awesome ! Actually, her work is to see, rather than to talk about !
What was started as hobby, has now become a brand. If you look at each item with close focus, you would wonder how much time and imagination an art does ask for ! It’s hard to evaluate it instantly. But Khyatiworks provides all items at a reasonable price so that art just doesn’t remain a part of museum here but can also become a part of your style or regular utilization.
Accessories like pendants and earrings are indeed beautiful creation by Khyatiworks. They are instantly likeable. The price range of the same falls around 300-350 INR which is quite cost-effective.
Khyatiworks also has a presence on facebook which is liked by 2000+ fans where she regularly updates the latest of her creations. You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/Khyatiworks