Song name: Muje Ho Gai Vo Dur
Lyrics: Devang Vibhakar
Music & Singer: Akshay Dave
Length: 04:18

Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by
Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to
Scotland as well as
Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached
Mujse Ho Gai Vo Dur. Song written by Devang Vibhakar( Sung & composed by Akshay Dave(
मुज़से हो गई वोह दूर |
देवांग: गानेका शब्द बहोत आच्छा है |
अक्षय: संगीत भी बहोत आच्छा है |
મુખ્ય ખામી ધારણા માં છે.
મોગલ રાજાઓ ના જમાનામાં આપણા સંગીતનું પરિવર્તન થયું, અને જે મીઠી અને ધર્મિક પ્રથાઓ હતી અને જે મીઠા મધુર અને શુદ્ધ પ્રેમના શબ્દો હતા, એ બદલી ગયા અને એની જગ્યાએ વિરહના શબ્દો વધારે વાપરતા ગયા અને લોકપ્રિય થતા ગયા.
Love is a many splendored thing. The emphasis over the last 300 years and glorified by Urdu poets including the Bolywood song writers is still more inclined towards emphasizing and glorifying sadness and separation in love. While there is a lot of beauty in both the words of separation and musical composition supporting that mood, I personally dislike this trend.
Based on the analysis I just made I give you, Devang, 8/10. I give Akshay Dave 7/10 for the music composition and 9/10 for rendition of the song. I am presuming the word “composed” implies music composition. The slightly lower mark in composition is based on the fact that there could be a better tune chosen to reflect the sadness – the total separateness of the lovers with no chance of reunion. Otherwise, as a tune it is great.
Devang / Akshay – This is a surprisingly awesome work of art. Loved the music, loved the lyrics..and loved the singing for sure. Professional at each front.
Now i expect to hear/see more of your talents. Kudos!
I like to write hindi lyrics/poems my self so i was really listening and hearing closely. Keep it up!
Jigar, thanks.
Have you already written some Hindi lyrics? If so, let me know where can I read them. Or do e-mail me same as I would like to read them.
Yes, i have been writing for a long time. I will definitely send you some in am e-mail.
Wonderful song. Wonderful composition.
Congrats to all.
Thank you Sureshdada.