Life is so much Important. One should be very cautious to improve himself.
My name is Atul Natvarlal Jani born on 08th October 1968. Education of Diploma Mechanical Engineering and Post Diploma in Computer Applications. Birth and work place is Bhavanagar of Gujarat / India. To stay alone and become thoughtless during thinking is my hobby. In my childhood I was fond of playing Chess. Mathematics, Logic and Spirituality is my interesting subjects. To sale Software, to make software and provide after sales service of software is my profession.

Atul Jani
My Interview – My Life
Q: Welcome to Let’s start with your childhood. Where were you born and raised? Any fond memories from your childhood that you cherish even today?
- My birth place is Bhavnagar and raised at Bhavnagar.
- I am remembering one occasion of my child hood. My mother was teacher. When she came from school I and my sister ware waiting for her. Once there was a heavy rain and we brother and sister thought that our mother will be in trouble due to rain. So let us bring umbrella for her. And than I and my sister went out in rain with a small umbrella. When we came back we all 3 were totally wetted by rain.
Q: As a child, you carried any special talent or art?
- I was writing small poems and short articles in my childhood.
Q: What nickname/s you have/had so far?
- “GATO”, it was upto 15 year.
Q: What education you acquired? How was it in sense of troubles? Whether you could complete the same easy way or faced the financial issues? If yes, how you overcame the same?
- Diploma Mechanical Engineering / Post Diploma in Computer Applications. It was financially tough time for my parents.
Q: Who was/were your best friend/s during your school/highschool times? Are you still in touch with them?
- In primary School – Suletu. In HighSchool Pilak & Rajesh Dani. In Diploma Mechanical College – Krushna Jadeja, Suresh Agravat. In Post Diploma Computer Education – Jayesh Jani. Krushna meeting sometimes. Pilak and Suletu rarely meet. Some times I am sending SMS to Jayesh Jani.There is no where about Rajesh Dani.
Q: What was your favorite subject of study?
- My Self / Computer Technology / Spiritual Scriptures.
Q: What was your favorite sport?
- Chess – To play / Cricket – To Watch.
Q: Any teacher that you still remember as particularly influential?
- My mother Induben. She was my teacher also.
Q: What was the first job/profession/business you started working for after completing your education?
- 1.5 month worked on trial base in Investment & Precision Castings Limited for the post of Supervisor after trial base I was not selected for that job.
Q: Are you popular in your friend circle or say your community for some art /specialty/talent you have? If yes, tell us about it.
- I think I am not so popular now. In child hood I was popular for playing chess / flying kites / Singing filmy songs. Now a days I am trying to be popular through my blog.
Q: In addition to being paid money, how else has your career created value in your life?
- I am in the field of Computer Applications which is now most popular and affecting the no. of fields. I learned so many things during building my career and the period is really valuable.
Q: What is your most significant accomplishment as a professional/businessman/employee?
- As an employee I was assistant to make an extra ordinary software for share market which was very successful in that period. As a businessman we are dealing in some software which are very special and changeable as per customer’s need. As a professional I am very powerful in logic and software design.
Q: What does the word “family” mean to you? Who are in your family? Tell us about your family life.
- I mean family means group of home members. My mother, My wife, My Daughter and My son and my self are in my family. My mother is retired teacher. I am Software consultant. My wife looks after the home and also teaches some students at home. My daughter is studying in standard 7th. My son is studying in standard 2nd.
Q: According to you what should be the role of a man and a woman in family life?
- To work properly and as per the need of Time, Space & Country.
Q: What is your definition of “happiness”?
- Healthy Body. To acquire healthy food. Peoples around are happy. If required I could be helpful to other and if needed I can get help from other. Mind stay cheerful. I think this is happiness.
Q: What is your most memorable travel experience?
- Trip to Calcutta.
Q: If you were re-born as an animal, what would you want to be?
- I would like to be a human being. Any way most of us are still in the animal age.

Atul Jani
Q: Do you think life in villages or small towns is more peaceful than in big cities?
- Yes.
Q: Do you believe in God? Do you believe in rebirth?
- Yes, Yes.
Q: Are you happy with present system of education? What changes you aspire to see in it?
- No I am not happy with current education system. It should be man making and character building.
Q: What do you think about corruption amongst politicians/bureaucrats?
- It is very big issue for our nation.
Q: What are your hobbies?
- To talk and discuss and not work actually. I think it is bad habit but most of have it like me.
Q: What do you read? In other words, are you into reading? If yes, share your favorite books.
- Pollyanna / Bhagavad Gita / Upanishads / Writings & lectures of Swami Vivekananda / Sri Ramakrushna Kathamrut etc…
Q: What was the happiest moment of your life?
- It was the SSC’s Result day.
Q: What was the gloomiest moment of your life?
- When I have to come back home from Ramakrishna Mission.
Q: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?
1. Advaita Ashram – Mayavati / Lohaghata / Uttarakhanda. 2.Nirwandham yogashram (Ranavav) 3.Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari. I would like to be alone. I don’t want company of any other person and want to stay with me only.
Q: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorites ones?
- Sadama / Tare zami par
Q: What are some words or phrases you use most?
- “Bahu Kari” / “Bhagavane adbhut rachana kari Chhe.”
Q: What image about you, you want to create in other people’s mind?
- I want create my image as a kind and noble person in other’s mind.
Q: What would be the one thing you would change about yourself?
- Idleness.
Q: What is your deepest fear?
- I am afraid of Dog.
Q: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- “Ramakrushna Paramhans”
Q: What’s your favorite food?
- “Puran Poli”
Q: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?
- I am trying to learn something new in computer technology. With the help of my knowledge my customers are benefited.
Q: What’s your overall perception of life?
- Life is so much Important. One should be very cautious to improve himself.
Q: Any special message you would like to share with people you know as well everyone else? This question is question-less question. That means, if you have something inside you that you really wish to tell but couldn’t be covered in above questions, you can share it ALL here.
- Be kind and do good.