Note: I was selected by Rotary Foundation for its exchange program called Group Study Exchange(GSE) for Scotland. I visited West of Scotland for tenure of one month, i.e. from September 8 to October 8, 2012. We were total five members, one team-leader and four team-members. All my posts regarding my experiences of this program are posted here on SpeakBindas under the category of GSE Scotland. Read on..
John & Marjory Brown, Rotary Club of Kelvin, Scotland
Our GSE program was approaching its end while we moved to Glasgow and were hosted by Rotary Club of Kelvin. My host family was John & Marjory Brown. They had a nice backyard, having an apple tree of neighbor giving fruits to them. 🙂 Both were very easy to be with persons. Morning breakfast time was full of conversation with them. They also had travelled few countries of the world, so we often discussed about travelling & experiences. They are married for years and met in the bank they used to work at!
This was the second host family of mine who had hosted the evening party at their home where they had invited all other host families of our GSE team from INDIA. I was also fortunate to meet two ex-GSE participants who had separately been to New Zealand and Japan last year. We almost did chat for an hour where they shared their experiences with me. It seemed a small world and we found common feelings as an exchange participant. At least, I could relate with them in a better way as they had been there and done that! Browns had specially invited both of them to meet me. We also had dinner together, and we had continuous conversation on cultural topics. They were fascinated to learn about our arrange marriage system. Also, when they realized that here in INDIA men don’t do much of household things, they found it interesting in a way that how it is possible?!
For me it was lucky that the evening party was at the place of my hosts, so I had not to get ready in hurry and move out. Comparatively, it was more relaxing. We had a good time in terms of interacting with the Rotarians on various topics which was followed by dinner & some singing. Below is a photograph of me in conversation with Glennis, a rotarian of the Rotary Club of Kelvin.
I must tell you that John & Marjory were busy with preparation for the evening dinner, since morning. It started with arranging the dishes & bowls. I also gladly did support them the best I could, but they were the one doing a great deal in terms of bringing stuff from supermarket, preparing food for the dinner etc.
It was a very pleasant stay with them.
hi devang.. I am responding to this because, I too am a GSE Alumni and visited RID 1010 Scotland in 2005.. GSE indeed is one of most prestigious program of Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.. and what to say about Scotland 🙂 its BEAUTIFUL 🙂
we are hosting the GSE Team from RID 7470 USA for 5 day.. they are reaching my Town tomorrow 🙂 so all set for them..
I am sure you must have joined Rotary by now 🙂
Take Care, Best Wishes & God Bless
Rtn. Siddhant Jain
RID 3120 (India)
Hello Siddhant Jain,
It’s good to know that you too are a GSE Alumni and moreover you too visited Scotland, only the difference that we visited different Rotary districts 🙂 but I believe, experience would be as amazing as we could possibly compare. Indeed, agree with your words for Rotary Foundation.
Which city you from?
Rotary District 3060 (my sponsored district) too is hosting the team from Scotland district 1230 in the month of January, 2013. I am too accompany them during their mid stay break at Sasan Gir.
I haven’t joined Rotary yet. I might in future.
All the best wishes for giving a best time to the inbound team from RID 7470 from USA.
Priy bhai vibhakar
Khub sars chhe hu 25 oktombrna India Vadodra
Mara ghare aavu chhu 4 mahina rhish pachhi
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Mare tane malvani khub ichha chhe
India phon 9825323617 chhe
Vachi ne khub prasnn thyo chhu
Pratapbhai Pandya
( America)