Harsh is a blogger from Lucknow, a to be software engineer. Currently pursuing B.Tech from a technical institute in Ghaziabad, RKGIT, loves to focus his mind in mischievous activities and has pretty good sense of humor, loves making friends and mingles with others very easily. A bit short tempered and unable to control his anger at times, he considers himself to be blessed with power unknowns – the power he has yet to discover.
Magical Me is a blog is just about the life of a common boy, a common boy whose aim is to become something more than just a “common boy”. Crazy after sports. Tennis is my favorite game and Roger Federer is my favorite sportstar. Any kind of sport, may it be cricket, football, even Formula 1. I am a big fan of all of them. Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Schumi, Tendulkar, Sourav. I just dream of meeting them all some day !!!!
Music ??? Well I don’t think there is existence of a human who doesn’t like music. It can be any type of music !!! Well my personal favorite is Linkin Park. I become so numb whenever I listen to one of their numbers. BSB, Enrique (P.S. I adore a lot of hindi songs too ). I listen to all of them, but In The End , its got to be LP !!!!
Was a very studious person till Intermediate , who has now turned into a party animal. Once books were my life, now pen drives are Bunking classes and copying assignments can be counted as my most frequent activities, and If there is a new movie in the theatre. What am I doing in the hostel ???? A Harry Potter fanatic , got a geek within , computer and gadgets interests me a lot , currently I am in fifth semester of engineering with CSE as my branch.
Q: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?
- A: Well I have been blogging since my school days. One day back then, while I was sneaking into every random person’s Orkut profile , I came across someone’s profile begging requesting everyone to click on the ads on his blog. I thought “Dollars $$$$ .. Yayyy … but what is this blogging thing?. Then I googled about it and didn’t waste any time in creating a blog on blogger and signing up for an adsense account.
- In a few days only I was on a roll. There was no theme behind my blog, it was all so random. The main idea was to get more and more clicks. You might not believe this but I earned almost 80$ in just 2 weeks. I wished I had read the terms and conditions for adsense before signing up because just when I was about to reach three figures, they banned me for “fraudulent activities“. Tadaaa.
- But no points regretting, I continued with my ad-less blog and after few days set up another blog (my personal one) on wordpress. In the process I realized that I actually enjoyed writing and I continued with my blogs. Off late , I have moved both of my blogs ( Magical Me – http://magicalharsh.com/ – http://blog.magicalharsh.com/ and Dark Horizon ) to my own domain and I am really enjoying this blogging trip of mine . 😀
Q: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?
- A: Magical Me is all about my life, my ideas and my point of views. I blog about anything and everything, from the college politics and the torturous studies to the heartbreak Indian cricket team and Mr. Roger Federer occasionally provide me with. I started “Magical Me” when I was in first semester and hence this blog covers almost whole of my college life.
- No surprises that the main theme of my blog revolves around the life of a college student who is fed up with the studies and is looking for any available opportunity to spread his wings and plunge into the deep ocean of freedom which is always inviting him in.
- And obviously yes , I am running this blog alone ( any guest post is always welcome 😉 … anyone ??? 😛 ).
Q.: How important is it for the blogger to interact with their readers? Do you respond to all the comments that you receive?
- A: Interacting with the readers is no less important than blogging itself . “Reply to comment or lose readers “. I respond to each and every comment on my blog. It’s the readers who make up your blog and inspires you to blog on. Imagine writing posts after posts without anyone reading it. That way your blog will be nothing more than an online MS Office OneNote.
- Fortunately enough, my blogosphere is made up of a number of wonderful bloggers whom I really love to read and who are the most important reason behind a person like me continuing with blogging for so long. Thanks to everyone who has ever commented on my blog, or even read my blog :D.
Q: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?
- A: I have been procrastinating all my works. One of these works has been getting the bandwidth of my blogs extended.
- In the first month itself, after I transferred everything to my own domain, an error “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” sprung up on one day when I was trying to log into my account. I used to stare at my petrified blog for days. Apparently, the traffic extended the threshold it was allowed to. To prevent this thing from repeating itself the next days, I blocked all the search engines from my blog, hence restricting google bots from indexing my pages, thus only people with direct link to my blog were the visitors.
- The traffic and statistics, hence are not very exciting. A google pagerank of 2, not a very good Alexa Rank either. With average hits between 100-200, the rank is bound to increase once I get this bandwidth thing done with :). Keep your fingers crossed :P.
Q: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?
- A: When I started blogging, it was supposed to be my medium of earning but not always things turn out to be the way they are supposed to be. Blogging is my passion. I love to write and I love to blog. Anyways, I don’t like the idea of publishing ads on my personal blog. Moreover, I am no more in a mood to be banned for fraudulent activities.
Q: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?
- A: There is a whole lot of fantastic bloggers in my blogosphere whom I love to read . Straight Drive , Any Excuse to Write , Books Life n More , Serendipity , Stung by the splendor of a crazy thought , The light shines the brightest , Accidently on Purpose , AlphabetWorld , Mashed Musings , Mind Flirting with Thoughts , Mirror Cracked , My Random Thoughts , Odyssey Of the Mind , Priceless Junk , Sakhi’s Laghukata , Smile .. an everlasting smile , The Shooting Star , Workshop of my Idle Mind , Visceral Observations , Youth Unite are few of those fantastic blogs I regularly follow ( sorry if I missed out someone 🙁 ) ……
Q: From the secret bucket of your blogging experiences, what tips you would like to share with the fellow bloggers?
- A: One thing that I have learnt out of my blogging journey so far is that quality outshines quantity, as in most of the other spheres too. Never aim to post too many things in a short span, with most of them not worth reading. Whenever you post something, make it sure that its not just another random dull babbling.
- Plus there will come a time when you will not be able to think about any topic to blog about , and even when you find a topic , you will be found searching for words to express yourself . This is a time my friend when you need to take a blog break. Go blog free for someday, take in fresh air and come back all charged up to post a “I am Back” post on your blog. 😛
Q: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?
- A: Blogging is something which keeps me afresh and relieves me out of all the atmospheric external pressures. Whenever I am angry on my lecturers someone and can’t find a way to tell them what a piece of crap they are, here comes my blog to my aid . The voices inside me which were suppressed for some reason in the past, found a way to make into the world through my blog.
Q: What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
- A: There has been a number of happy moments in my life and its impossible to choose one from them. The three years of engineering so far, have been full of so many beautiful moments that I can’t really grade one over another. Birthday celebrations , every time I return home after a long break , every Friday evening ( here I come Weekend ) , all those night outs visiting India gate ( daring enough to triple on a bike in the national capital ) and many such memories which makes up the positive half of my life.
- Same goes with the not-so-good moments ….. Federer losing , Indian cricket team snatching defeat from the jaws of a victory , low grades , broken heart , losing someone I thought I never will …… So many events but none of them making a standout appearance. It is all a tag-cloud cluster of events which have marked my life so far.
Q: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?
- A: I have done this so many times in the tags. So here I go again. First the three places. They got to be Paris, Switzerland and Bermuda Triangle.
- Why Paris?? Because I am in total awe of Eiffel Tower. Its just magnificent. I can’t imagine how beautiful it might look LIVE . 😛 . And yes, I would like Miss Emma Watson to accompany me. 😛 ( Well I was told to imagine . Why not cross all the boundaries of imagination :P)
- Why Switzerland?? Isn’t it obvious???? I want to meet Roger Federer. And I would like to take Rafael Nadal with me. Let the Spanish kid also meet the great man himself.
- First let me answer who I would take with me to the third place. It will be Mr. Arjun Singh (Remember ??? The reservation guy ??? ), and why Bermuda Triangle??? Because obviously I would like to drop him there and come back home safely. 😛
Q: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?
- A: Movies are my favorite past time. They are like homework to me. If there is a new release, I have to watch it, may it be in theatres or the pirated laptop version.
- My favorite ones??? Well there is a long long long list. Contact IMDB for further details.
Q: How has blogging helped you other than money?
- A: It has improved my writing skills by leaps and bounds. Courtesy to blogging, my reading skills have also improved by far. In this journey so far, I had built a network full of so many wonderful bloggers and in the process made many friends too.
- And most importantly, I have learnt to read “Terms and Conditions” before clicking on “next”. 😛
Q: What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- A: I would love a temper which would not fluctuate like Indian cricket team’s performance. I am working on it but still there is a long way to go . One of my negative points. I loose control very easily .:(
Q: What is your deepest fear?
- A: Hackophobia. I am not sure if even a term like this exists or not! Getting my accounts hacked is what I dread about day and night. 🙁 . I think it might got to do something with my habit of tricking people into phishing pages. 😐
Q: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- A: Roger Federer. He might not be a wizard, but still I would love to meet him.
Q: Which is your favorite television show? Favorite songs?
- A: Television? Three years I have been in a hostel. So obviously I am totally alienated from the TV shows. I have been so unlucky to miss all those India TV shows you were having a blast looking at. 😛 . Seriously, Bournvita Quiz Contest was one of the shows I never missed to watch. After that, I don’t think I watched any show in continuation.
Q: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?
- A: Let me count. Precisely, its 331 (three hundred and thirty one … Heyyy that’s a prime number … :P) plus an ATM full of papa’s love and a fully charged metro card 😀
Q: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?
- A: All the chicken dishes hold the top spot in my favorite list. And if there is anything green in the menu, don’t count me in. No wonder I wear glasses.
Q: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?
- A: Lets take an example. So many websites which can help you in so many ways. Such a gift to us, isn’t it. It makes our life so simple . We got our accounts on every existing mail server. We are on blogger , wordpress , myspace , orkut , facebook , twitter .. the list goes on.
- But should I keep the same password for everyone? Definitely not. And should I keep a simple password ??? Definitely not. How will you remember password then ??? Mr. Dumb, ever heard of a master password or something like that ???? Pretty simple isn’t it ?? save all your passwords at the same place.
- And one day when you boot your system, there flashes a message “NTLDR missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart”. The poor guy formats his system . Bye Bye to firefox , bye bye to saved passwords . And now is the life simple??? No no , now its very very complicated . 🙁
Q: What do you think of “blogging is the next BIG thing”?
- A: I think its already a big thing. Everyone is blogging nowadays as frequently as chatting or downloading. Even the celebrities are coming to this domain . Blogging is really creating a fuss all around.
Q: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?
- A: When you get an opportunity grab it with both hands . Don’t wait so long that someone else takes it away . “HACK THE WORLD BEFORE IT IS HACKED“
Hi Harsh,
Wow! you have been quite flowing with your answers. Just loved reading them.
Good luck, keep blogging.
Hey Devang ..!!!
Loved answering them too … and thnx a ton for the interview …. 😀
man o man i enjoyed readin it all……….cool interview yaar…….
hey! harsh…
after a long time…i have read up your blog..
and found your interview really interesting..
just keep it on buddie!!
😀 😀 …. thnx shalu …