As a consumer we often are cautious about spending money for any service or product offered. We need to be sure whether what we are paying would give us the satisfaction for our hard earned money? We also need to be sure that whether we will get the services and products as mentioned by sellers? This is when, an option to try before buying comes into place. is one such cool website which has a database of free trials belonging to different segments such as Business, Education, Tv&Film, Dating, Products, Software, AntiVirus, Music and Games. It also have an exclusive category for Popular stuff. And those trial offers which are not covered among these categories, they can be found under “Other”.
Some of the trial offers that I came across while surfing the website were of watching movies online, audiobooks, music streaming, snack boxes etc.
So how does it work?
It’s really simple. You get to see a list of available trials. Choose the one you like and follow the link which takes you to the website where the trial is offered. Sign up there and that’s it. makes it easy for us by finding useful trial offers and then listing them for us.