He knows not how he does it, he just does it !
Vishal Nagani is a human calculator from India.
Vishal Nagani is 22 years old lives in city of Rajkot, Gujarat – India.
First time I happened to meet him at my office, where he was sent by my cousin.
His first impression on me was of very simple and confused young person. His eye contact was week while talking to me, he seemed very much confused while talking, clothes were not upto good mark, but little I knew at that moment about his natural ability, his high I.Q. that only 1 out of 1 million may possess.
He sat next to me, said he can do the manual calculation of any number upto 100000 (1 lakh) into table to 10, without using a calculator. Well, I was amazed and little doubtful hearing this. Being a critic in nature, I decided to test him right there and right then.
All I had to do is, ask him tough calculations. First I asked him, what’s the answer for 225863 X 7 = ?. Well, I didn’t know the answer as well, it was a random equation that burst into my mind. Instantly, after just 2 seconds, he said the answer is 1581041. Well, because even I didn’t know the answer, I used calculator and to my wonder it was correct answer. He took merely 2 seconds to answer. I said, sounds good but let me test him further. I asked him how much is 2537869 X 8 = ? Without hesitation and in just two seconds he said ‘It is 20302952’. Now I was under severe shock.
I was witnessing an Einstein sitting beside me, amusing me with his live talent. I then asked him few other tough equation and he answered all them correctly, within just 2 seconds of time. A talent found only once in a million humans.
I thought to myself that something must be done to project the natural-talent he is carrying with him. I asked Vishal if he has getting any help for promoting his talent. The answer was not much positive. He said people test my talent and say ‘Wow’, ‘Good job’, ‘Amazing’, ‘Great’ etc. and that is it. No further progress. Hmmm… a common public response.
I knew of Limca Book of Records.
And instantly started corresponding with them regarding Vishal Nagani‘s talent. It took almost 15 days to reach to a concerned person in Limca Book of records for memory division.
Then it was all set fine. Vishal went to meet him at Noida, gave his test and he was successfully nominated for next edition of Limca Book (2009 edition).
Things worked, and I’m so happy that he is getting some recognition now.
District Collector of Rajkot as well as Rajkot Municipal Corporation have appreciated Vishal’s skill and given him certificates accordingly.
He can also answer square roots of digits 1 to 100. You ask any, he will answer promptly. Apart from that, he can also do the addition with jet speed.
Back to present now. I invited him at my office for taking this interview, and he came running. It’s my privilege to have asked him questions.

Vishal Nagani with Devang Vibhakar
Hi, Vishal. Welcome to SpeakBindas. And thank you for getting time and talking to us.
Thank You. It’s my pleasure indeed.
So tell us Vishal, when did you learn about your talent?
It was sometime back when I was studying in standard 8 or 9. One day at school, our mathematics teacher was teaching us some calculative sum. Suddenly, she asked us to calculate 42 X 42. All the students started calculating it with the help of pen and paper. While I started calculating it in my mind. And within few seconds, before anybody else could give answer, I said “Teacher, it is 1764”. Teacher was amazed that I could do it without a pen and paper. So this is how it all started.
How do people react when you display your talent to them?
People just get amazed and become speechless for few seconds when I answer their toughest calculations. Like for testing, if somebody asks me, what is the answer of 2435 X 9 =? And I instantly answered it that it is 21915. And this all happens mostly within 2 seconds of time. So their reactions are shocked. They feel that I’m some kind of magician. They keep on asking me, tell us how you did it. To which I say, I don’t know but I just did it. Still they don’t believe it and keep asking me.
Recently, during a movie-show of ‘Ghajini’, I was standing outside the theater, where the next show of movie Ghajini was about to start. There, they found me answering such tough calculations, so to my wonder they stood there with me asking me many such tough equations, where at other side, the show was already started. But they were outside with me! This is how people react sometimes.
Any educational institutes have consulted you?
Yes. Few have consulted me. Because they were highly impressed by my natural skill, and wanted me to promote their institute. But I frankly said NO to them, because that’s not my cup of tea. I want to proceed further on my own brand-name, i.e. Vishal Nagani.
What do you do for living?
Presently, I’m totally devoted in promoting my skill to everybody. May be I get some oppurtunity of higher level, which also gives me earning plus fame.
How does it feel getting nominated for Limca Book of Records under ‘memory division’ records?
No words indeed. An actor’s, a painter’s, a sportsman’s real earning is appreciation of their talent and art. Likewise, getting nominated for Limca Book of Records and totally hopeful for the having my entry in 2009 edition, it feels just awesome. Limca Book of Records is the highest appreciation anyone can get at the national level in India.
And I must Thank you, Devangbhai. Without you, this wouldn’t have been so fast. I mean, I used to meet hundreds of people but couldn’t find the connection to reach to Limca Book of Records. But you did it promptly. I will always remember you as a friend. Thank you very much for all you did for me, and still giving me leads to project and promote myself at higher levels.
Vishal, the pleasure is mine. It’s an honor having such talent born in India. So tell us, how do you do it? I mean, when someone gives you an equation for multiplication, how do you give answer within just 2 to 3 seconds?
I really don’t know, Devangbhai. This may be hard to believe for people, but I do not follow any mechanism or system for getting an answer. It just happens. What exactly happens is this. When someone gives me figures, those figures seem to standing right in front of my eyes. And promptly I get the figures consisting answer, which I declare. Now, if you ask me, where those figures come from, answer is ‘I really don’t know’. They just appear in front of me.
Well well, Vishal then it requires some research on your brain by the scientists!
Sure, but after I die (Laughs).
Thank you Vishal for dropping by for Speakbindas.
Anytime. Thank you. Take care.
Update: Say, Hurray! Vishal Nagani received the Certificate from Limca Book of Records. Many many congratulations to him.
heads off…….. dost
i met u in a train .i have spent 2 hours with u.before one day of shivratri. i went to junagath,we were eight students.u gave me yr cell num.if u get my messege,then please send me yr mobile num.im giving my number 9925869390
Hi Harshad,
I have sent you SMS containing Vishal Nagani’s cell no.
Senm mi your Email I send contact you sir
Vishal Nagani’s has Natural skill .. but i think everybody commonman can improove thair mathamatical skill by .. vadic mathaematics… Lilavati ganit .. I have not read it .. but i belive there is every solution in Indian and Vadic Litrature….thanks ..
no this talent found in millons of year
This is not quite amazing. Quite some child in China can do it. For a big number multiplied by a single digit, there’s already established method to follow, which is really simple and only takes several weeks training to answer instantly. Some talented child can do 3 digits times 3 digits without calculator, and even more, there are people who can chess without chess board – blind chess, only by talking with each other on the coordination.
Right That With Training Such Things Are Not A Big Deal. But Case of Vishal Nagani Is Natural. He Has Never Been Under Any Training. It Just Happened To Him. And Interesting Thing Is That, He Doesn’t Know How It Happens. All What He Knows Is That After Getting The Number He Sees Its Answer In His Brain.
I know one person in my town who can also calculate upto 1lakh with single digit number in 2second
Yaa, my friend palash jain is also born with this innate talent. He has tables upto 1 lakh in his mind and can also do calculations within 2 seconds….so amazing to have such a natural talent in our country n hats off to u ppl who brings dem forward.
I have met this gentle main
his calculations was unbelievable
you got to be kidding..well if its true your are magnificent