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Book Review: “No matter what, I love you!”

Book name: પણ, હું તો તને પ્રેમ કરું છું! (In English: No matter what, I love you!. Hindi: फिरभी तुम्हे चाहेंगे)
Author: Dr. Hansal Bhachech (Psychiatrist, Author, Columnist)
Publisher: Navbharat Sahitya Mandir, Ahmedabad.
Price: Rs. 250/- (Sixth edition). Sold over 25,000 copies.

"Pan, hu to tane prem karu chhu!" book and its translation in English and Hindi

"Pan, hu to tane prem karu chhu!" book and its translation in English and Hindi

Though I knew about this book for a long time, only recently I could get to read it. And I must say that, despite I did read it late, it’s worth to have read at last.

Each article is like a chapter of man-woman psychology. Crystal clear explanation and understanding of thinking and perspectives of men and women. And that too in the simplest form that leaves you with the feeling of “Oh! my God, is this really so?”. I mean, it’s like when you realize the truth and you feel the kind of relaxation, same was the feeling after reading every article of the book. This is like a book for all married and non-married people. Rather, I feel that, parents should gift this book to their son/daughter on the eve of his/her engagement so that they can have a clear guideline regarding their relationship. At least, if not all, some issues wouldn’t arise and if arise would be solved with less mental stress.

This book, is indeed the best work done in the field of man-woman relationship. It helps you understand the basic essence of nature of men and women which we never could think about otherwise. I am more INSPIRED than IMPRESSED by this book. And I did also put few things that I learnt from this book to test and it works so perfectly, so it’s just not theory but real stuff.

By profession, author is a psychiatrist. Hence, he has the wide study of issues that men and women do suffer from. Being a counselor, he has witnessed many such cases and he has given some references too in the book for our better understanding. Not only that, he also provides us with the backbone surveys and researches done in western countries on various subjects related to man-woman relationship. Some of the researches are indeed relief giving as it helps us solve the common mysteries that do often happen with us in our real life, but we have no clue at all why it happens. But once you read this book, you will have a new perspective towards the same situation if it happens again in your life.

Few things that were sharp in this book are:

  • Center essence or the extract that I did learn from this book is that: Men are logical entities while women are emotional. This doesn’t mean that men are not at all emotional or women are not at all logical, but in general, it is so. How true it is!
  • In a fight between a man and a woman, if you leave man alone for couple of hours, he will sort out the issue by himself with logical thinking, where as a woman needs to talk about it, without which her mind will remain occupied with. How diverse the thinking pattern is!!
  • If you look at the particular body part of a woman for a while, her hand will reach there for sure. So to say, if you keep looking at her hair, in a while, her hands will go and caress it!
  • It’s quite easy to think for a man to have relationship with more than one women, while for a woman, it is next to impossible!!
  • Man can fall in love with a woman at first sight, as for his looks are more important, while for a woman, falling in love with a man just for his looks is a rare phenomenon.
  • Above all, a woman (wife or lover) expects time from man, while a man thinks that as he is satisfying all her material needs, no need to give time!
  • In a conversation, a man’s concentration is on the words a woman speaks, while a woman can concentrate on words as well as man’s body language!

Beauty of the book is that, it contains compact articles. Author writes straight to the point without the impression of a preacher, but a neutral observer. He simply shares information with us and makes us feel that we are the one to decide whether to agree or not! No forced teaching.

Another beauty of the book is that, while reading some particular articles, men would think that women must read this book! While, reading few other particular articles, women would think that men must read this book! Both are quite true. Author has been successful in keeping the balance in this hazardous subject!!! Book indeed stirs you to open up discussion on various subjects, which ultimately can lead you to the real understanding. Some articles are such that, that either men or women would like to indulge into firing arguments too!

I am so happy to have read this book.

Dr. Hansal Bhachech

Dr. Hansal Bhachech

And saying ‘thanks’ to author wouldn’t be enough as he has done path breaking work, which if utilized by men and women can surely bring not only understanding but upliftment in their relationship. Thanks a ton, thanks a million, on behalf of me personally and on behalf of the youth, for doing such marvelous literary work…..


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

One thought on “Book Review: “No matter what, I love you!”

  1. hardik h. vekariya says:

    I like your work & your website….

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