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Choosing a baby name

Choosing a baby name is a tough job. Mostly because you have hundreds of options available. I have been there, done that! We were lucky to have baby boy born on 19th September, 2009. We Indians believe in choosing a name as per Zodiac sign. Zodiac sign is decided based on various planets’ position in universe at the time of baby was born.

We had this book of baby names too, which contained hundreds of names. My son’s zodiac sign came as Aquarius, so we could choose any name starting from letter, A, L or I.

Now, there were numerous Indian baby names starting from letter A. Ashutosh, Ajay, Ansh, Anuj, Amit are to name a few. Letter L too had many baby names. Letter I had comparatively less names.

Me, my wife, my parents and my sister, we all went through the book of baby names. I also searched over net for Indian baby names and found many many names, which I printed out.

The process went on for days. Everyone was confused about their choice as well. Like, I thought of first name as ‘Aadi‘, which means ‘first‘ or ‘most important‘. This is a popular Indian baby boy name, quite unique and short. Me and my wife liked it. But my sister didn’t! She said “This is an old name, many boys have this name, go for an unique one.” I said “Good, then you suggest me few NEW ones, we can chose from.”

It wasn’t easy for her either. She thought of few names, which I didn’t like! So this process was getting stretched. Then I suggested that as letter ‘A’ has so many names, which is confusing us, let us go for baby boy names starting from letter ‘I’. Now letter ‘I’ had few names. To cut the story short, everyone was agreed upon one single name (fortunately!), and thus we named our cute son as ‘Ishan‘.

The word Ishan has two meanings. Ishan means North-West direction. Second, it is a name of Hindu God Indra – king of heaven.

I am so sure, every parents go through this difficult task of naming. I have also heard that few parents do change the name after couple of years!

William Shakespeare said “What is in a name?“. I guess, there is everything! Parents would understand what I’m talking about!

Well, I’m giving here below links which contains Indian baby names starting from all letters.


This site has 17,347 Indian Boy and Girl Names. Indian and Hindu Baby Names with Meanings.

They also have a feature called ‘World’s cutest baby’, where parents can send photo of their baby.


Many names from A to Z.


This site has Baby Girl names, Baby Boy names, Twin names, Hindu names. A good collection indeed.


This site has it all. Hindu Boy Names, Muslim Boy Names, Sikh Boy Nmaes, Christian Boy Names, Hindu Girls Names, Muslim Girls Names, Sikh Girls Names, Christian Girls Names, Twin Boy-Boy Names, Twin Boy-Girl Names, Twin Girl-Girl Names


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

2 thoughts on “Choosing a baby name

  1. Anni says:

    Oi,gostaria que esxistisse nessse site mais nomes de Bebes meninos pois nao gostei muito!


  2. tina says:

    ich bin die tina und ich finde mein name ist schön

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