Farida Mir
અજબ આ જગત છે, ઉંડા એના પાયા
આ બધુ જાણવા છતા મુકાતી નથી માયા.
Farida Mir is a popular name among Gujarati community for her art of singing. Despite being belonging to Muslim community, she sings Hindu hymns, which hurts to some orthodox people. She belongs to Mir cast which is said to be have art running in their blood. It is quite fascinating to know how her singing journey started when she was a teen.
Not only she is a good singer but an actress in Gujarati films. She leads quite a famous life and hence controversies too are a part of her professional life.
On a fine evening of Navratri (2009), when she came to Rajkot to perform at a local Dandiya-Ras show, she rendered some time to Speakbindas for an interview. Speakbindas correspondent Vikas Rajpopat dwells into her personal and professional life with interesting questions.
Note: Video quality is poor due to bad light. Apologies for the same. But Audio quality is excellent.
Excerpt of Video Interview
Q.: Artists have no particular religion such as Hindu or Muslim, their only religion is ART. You sing hymns but you belong to a community (Muslim) where generally hymns are not sung. Was there any difficulty in the initial days?
- It was a surprise for the people knowing I sing hymns being a Muslim daughter. Generally, from a Muslim singer, Kalma, Kavali is expected but people are used to prefer me singing hymns.
Q.: How come you entered this field? What really inspired you?
- My father and two brothers are artists. Being a ‘Mir‘, art runs in our blood and we need not to attend any particular class to learn it. In our cast Mir (belonging to Porbandar), generally women artists are not allowed to perform outside in public. Of course, many women are good singers but mostly male artists are allowed to perform in public.
- One day, with my mother I went to Ranuja (Nr. Kalawad) which is a sacred place known for Ramdev Pir, on festival of Bhadarva Bij. My maternal cousin positively pushed me to sing there in front of public. I sang the first song રણુજા વાળો મારા કાળજાની કોર (Ranuja Walo Mara Kalja ni Kor). People enjoyed it very much. Unfortunately, at that time I knew this song only, I mean I hadn’t prepared any hymns for the occasion. But audience was so keen to listen another hymn from me, which I gently denied due to no preparation for another hymn. Looking at the genuine response from the audience for my singing, tears came into my eyes knowing that they accepted me as a singer just with one hymn I sang. I really enjoyed that moment. This happened 16 years before.
- And thus my journey started from there and then to Karanpara Chowk, world of cassettes, public programs and now Gujarati films.
Q.: You sing hymns; many of them are favorite among people. Which one is that, which you personally love?
- Amm.. most of my hymns are my favorite, because I only sing those hymns which I personally like singing and whose meaning I am aware of. But yes, there is one such particular song which I like the most, in which every listener feels his/her life. I also have found myself in that hymn.
Farida Mir sings the hymn:
અજબ આ જગત છે, ઉંડા એના પાયા, (Ajab aa jagat chhe unda ena paya)
આ બધુ જાણવા છતા મુકાતી નથી માયા – ૨. (Aa badhu janva chhata mukati nathi maya – 2.)
Which means that this world is so strange and full of illusions but still we can not come out (leave it) of it.

Vikas Rajpopat wth Farida Mir
Q.: In Hinduism, hymns are said to be the shortest distance to worship and reach to God. Was there any opposition from Muslim community that you despite being a Muslim girl sing Hindu hymns?
- World over, there are always such people who oppose something. I mean, if no one was opposing anything, human would have become God himself! There are also my supporters from Muslim community who take pride of me as Farida Mir. And now my name itself is an unique identity.
- And of course, there are oppositions too who oppose with reason that despite being a Muslim girl, I sing Hindu hymns. To them, I would like to say, and have said earlier too that I have also completed reading Quran Sharif, I have also performed Namaz, I also sing hymns of Hindu gods Shiva and Krishna, so in a way I am a symbol of unity between Hindu and Muslim.
Q.: Celebrities’ life at the outer core seems so beautiful, but in personal life it’s not always that beautiful as they also have to suffer its side-effects. So in your personal life, how supportive and difficult your celebrity status has been?
- It is such a nice question you have asked. Well, the difficulty of having a big name in society particularly for a bindas girl like me is that common routines such as to drive bike on road, wear free dress, to live a simple life, to walk on road and meet people etc. are broken. Because people do not allow us to lead a common life, wherever we go a crowd appears. So if we wish to enjoy Pani Puri as a common person, we can not. So when from my car I look at others enjoying their life, I feel sad knowing that now I can not do few things I loved the most.
- And the good thing about the status of celebrity that I feel is that, after I die, you know people will at least remember me as there was a singer by name Farida Mir! I mean if we die as a common person, nobody except our near ones take note of that but when a celebrity like us die, their fans around the globe remember them.
Q.: What education you have acquired?
- (Laughs…) In my Kundali, there is no appearance of education, but yes it says that I am to acquire a celebrity status. It is also said that I am yet to receive more fame to which I feel, I have had enough of popularity and fame as I am fed up of it now! God has been so kind to me so far.
- But I remember, when I was a kid and I used to go to school, even during class my mind was engaged with music and singing. I also used to write songs and my teachers were aware of my passion for music and they only used to inspire me for singing during some school party or program.
- So, I studied till standard 10. દસ એટલે બસ (10 is enough). (laughs….)
- And I have observed that some highly educated people who have acquired many degrees in their life and sometimes I have found them standing by my side as a waiter. Of course, I am not denying the importance of education, but what I mean to say is, it’s all about luck blessed by God. And I am thankful to God for the art he has poured in me, if not education!
Q.: Your art journey has reached to Gujarati cinema too. What have you done in Gujarati cinema?
- I have acted in many Gujarati films. People highly responded to my movie દુખડા હરો દશામાં (Dukhada Haro Dasha Ma) which was my super-duper hit Gujarati movie. The glad thing about this movie is that, women used to carry coconut with them at theater as a part of their faith for Goddess Dasha Ma as movie is about goddess.
- Secondly, in the movie I am shown being beaten by my sister-in-laws, and I have seen women literary crying in theater seeing me being beaten. Of course, it’s a movie but still I feel happy knowing that my fans can not bear any trouble to me, let it be even as artificial in the film.
- I am thankful to my fans who accepted me as an actress too in Gujarti films.
Q.: Any special happy moment during many a programs that you done so far?
- There are many of them as I am signing for last 16 years. And in this span, I have never felt that any of my programs has failed or say a organizer repented, nope.. never. And I am glad about that. But I can say that I find it more happy when our program is in Kutch region. Audience of Kutch gives very good respect to ladies artists, they shower money upon an artist in a good manner and appreciate the performance genuinely. And I can surely say that, an artist who has been successful in Kutch, can be successful everywhere.
Q.: Farida Mir has been said to have involved in few personal controversies that your fans came to know through newspapers. What you have to say about those incidents and news?
- You name me a celebrity who has never been with controversies? So I am not the first! But yes, initially I used to feel bad and nervous knowing some negative news has been appeared in news but now it has been quite common for me because people will consider today’s newspaper as scrap tomorrow. And you would be aware of the fact that Hindi television and film celebrities are said to be paying for such stunt news to remain in the public eyes. But here, I am getting publicity for free of charge, so it’s a good thing, isn’t it?!!
- But I feel bad for my fans when such news come out. Like our (artists’) most of life goes on travel due to our frequent programs at different places. So if I say about my accident news, it appeared as I I got badly hurt, admitted in hospital etc. and some news said I died! I mean, they exploit small incidents of our life in a big way. My cell number is known to all leading press medias, so at least if they could confirm the fact first with me before posting the news, so that at least my fans will receive less troubles.
Q.: Any message you would like to give to your fans through Speakbindas?
- The first thing I would like to say to my fans is that stay away from rumors about me. I feel I am totally safe with your prayers for me. I will be glad to live in your heart forever. And please also stay away from duplication that you might have come to know like some ladies go by fake-name as “Voice of Farida Mir.” Please carry an earnest desire to listen good and true music.
બહુ સરસ લેખ લખ્યો છે. ઘણુ જાણવા મલ્યું.
Farida Mir is a BLESSED lady! She is a brilliant jewel of comunity !!
Wish her all the best in life !!!
-Amarsinh Vaghela
You are Muslim and doing non mum slim job your happy you have any gilts
she is not only singer but she is a gujarati KOYAL . all gujarati should be proud for her her . even she is muslim but she dont have any problem even she is a sypmbolic persanilty
thankss . GOD BLESS YOU
glad to know fdifferent side of our freind vikas Keep continue sailing on this never destined journey good luck..
Ranjit Parmar
Thank you Ranjit!
ફરીદાબેન ખુબ જ સુંદર ગાવ છો તેમાય ભજન અને સારો સ્વભાઅ છે માનવમાત્ર તરીકે ઊન્ડી સમજ ધરાવો છો આપ. ખુબ ખુબ શુભેચ્છા.
્ખુબ જ અન્તરની સચ્ચાઇ હોય તે જ આટલું બિન્દાસ્ત બોલી શકે ઈન્ટરવ્યુ લેનાર વિકાસ રાજપોપટનો પણ આભાર
Thank you very much Dilipji!
I tried to search search cassettes Farida Mir but cudn’t find. So please let me know website to download NAVRATRI cassettes. I am sure about name but it is ‘SAKHI RE’
very nice you are a singing but i have calling in my village nardipur on enjoy to kali chaudas garba pls your cantact no
farida ben wel com somnath
વિડીઓમાં હવે ઘણી સારી અને સસ્તી એવી ટેકનોલોજી આવી ગઈ છે. એમાં થોડું ઈમ્પ્રુવમેન્ટ થાય તો સારું. આવનારા દિવસો માટે પણ સરસ કન્ટેન્ટ મળી રહેશે.
સાચી વાત.
આ ઇન્ટરવ્યુ પછીના ઇન્ટરવ્યુઝ ખુબજ સારા આવ્યા છે.
p.s.: આપનો બ્લોગ માણવાલાયક છે. આભાર.
farida slam malekm tmara bhejan no fankar glano awaaj roj mara bus ma wage che dikaree to parki bijathi na joway shistar farida chand jewo mokhado sdaa chamkto rhee aa bhae ni dowa chae slam 786
hello !!!!
hi !!!! I am kaushar bhayani from rajkot !!!!
how r u ???
u r like a nightingle for me !!!!
god bless you take care!!!!
your lovingly….
kaushar bhayani
Assalamu alaikum Farida Hu banaskantha no mir 6u, Aapna Bhajano Mane Bahu j Sambhalwa game 6e, Pan hu have aapna kanthe gawayela soofi geet sambhalwa mangu 6u. Khuda Hafiz
Shri Farida ji.
Tamara avaj ma jadu 6. Hu tamara lokdayra ni harek cessets reguler jou chhu.ema pan chhote chhote shivaji……a bhajan maru favorite 6.
helo fridaji . mane tamaro program jovo bhahu pasnad se tema tamaro dayro hoy to pan pasnad aave
Shri Faridaji amara gam BHOD ma tame SIDDHESHWAR MANDIRE stage program karel je tamaro saruvat no program ha6 pan e program amara gam mate yadgar 6 aje pan e program ni casrets ame daily joye 6
Hay farida ji …….tame video kecet ram tari maya ma sadi peri ne nacho cho te mane bahu game che tame bahot payra lago cho
hi f@rida darling kem che
hu tane prem karu choo / pan tu mane kyare pan prem nahi kar a mane khabar che
to pan hu tane kahu choo i love u mari j@@n farida
farida gujrati gayak tame mara fevrit gayak so
lovely article… 🙂 🙂
respected madame,
i am interested have me to include in your mailing list so as i can learn more on religion. i am based at cochin and you are welcome for any service from here. my cocntact no is 9446077763. regards on the name of almighty.
I am Ashish from canada im really impressed by ur singing usually i dont listen gujarati song n bhajans but ur song have enlightend me . I praise u lot but unfortunately when i was in gujarat i was not able to see u ..hope to see u in future may god bless u so that u can light the lamps of ur singing in whole world . And i truly support ur words that music has no limits of religion and boundaries …I heartly appreciate u…Hope to see u…God bless u ..Do take care….Bye.
keep it up tame only singing ma j great 6o a khyal 6e baki to khuda jane
pan tamara jeva lok ladila artiest ni jarurat 6e j aa saurastra ni bhumi par tamne ambaji mandir (P.H.Q.) in RAJKOT na aote 1var bhajan gava mate invite karva padse fari var
tmaro program bavj saro lagyo frida zee
very very good to fridamir life.
frida mir tamaro avaj mane bahu game 6e. tamara garaba me 2011 ma gokul farm to ahmedabad joua hata thet is butiful. tamari garba gavani stael bahu butifyl 6e.
Dear Mrs Faridaben,
I liked your voice and style. You are really singing a sung for religious. I am very thanks of you for singining sung in Gujarati language. I am appreciating your support in this video program.
I want to ask that, Are you singing a marriage song in marriage day? What is the charge of your song singing in one day marriage occasion.
Thanks & best regards,
Farida ji,
Your name is enough.
What i can say for you but i am a big fan of you from baroda
Hi FArida ben
I like Your Bhajan,RAs-Garba, LaGNAGEET
I Am a play for Drum-set, Four-Pice, Octoped play for as above program iam asmoll airtist but futer is a big airtist so please give me your contect number
Frida ji ,
your name is enough
i am a very big fan of you from baroda and i will meet you personally 10/8/12 as your
programme in front of my house
what can i say for you but atleast
i would like to invite Farida Mir for my garba reception do you know how do i contact
best of luck
Tamara Awaj naa kamane dharma ni seemao ne todi nakhi chhe, je kaam rajpurusho nathi kari shakya, e kaam fakt tamara awaje kari nakhyu, kaaran tamara awaaj ne sambhadavo e ek laahvo chhe, je satat gujaratio ne madto rahe chhe, Ishwar tamara
Awaaj ne haji unchai arpe, jethi Gujarati Sangeet kshetre tamaru shreshtha rahe,
fari ek vaar tamara sundar awaaj mate tamne Abhinandan
dear faridamadam,
your song,bhajan,geet all is mindblowing.
god bless you,
you are really good singer…..i like your bhajan.
I enjoy Faridaben’s bhajan and songs. She is truly a symbol of unity between Hindu and Muslims. Good luck to her. Long live Lok Sangeet!
We the family like your dyaro a lot.It has devotion & dedication presentation.we are Marathi people & only little bits of gujrati known.
Mare pan kalakar banavu 6,mane bav interest 6
My mother requires the lyrics of bhajan- Ajab aa jaggat che, unda ena paya…. if someone can help me getting that song request you to kindly share it
Very nice interview. Well asked questions and quite informative conversation. Glad listening to it.
You have a 5* voice. You should become a Bollywood Singer.
You are the QUEEN of all singers.
I love listening your bhajans.
I like to listen you LIVE on stage in LONDON.