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Interview of Suresh Lalan

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You would wonder who is Suresh Lalan? Well, he can be introduced as an Entrepreneur of Diamond Industry of Surat or as a painter, a writer, a poet, a blogger, a handicapped person and few other ways as well. But, but.. his real introduction is nothing but ‘STRENGTH.’ Yes, his life tells the story about how strongly he has fought against physical and social odds.

Suresh Lalan

Suresh Lalan

At the age of only 10 months he got affected with Polio. It was the time when the anti-polio vaccines were not available to everybody. Rather, there was no awareness about it. Thus, his life started with a deadly disease which in a way made him handicapped for his entire life. He was handicappedness was more than 60%, i.e. in the earlier days he had to drag himself, his entire body to reach anywhere, even to drink water or have food or to go to school. Just imagine, how tough it would have been for him even to cover the distance of few meters?


Due to severe polio he couldn’t attend school till standard 5. He did study at home only. But as he says that if God gives you some weakness, he also provides you with strength. His strength was his will power and his memory. Despite staying at home, he used to score good marks. He completed primary school at his village and high-school elsewhere.

(L to R: Devang Vibhakar, Suresh Lalan)

(L to R: Devang Vibhakar, Suresh Lalan)

He earned excellent percentage in board exam of standard 10. His dream was to become either a Doctor or an Engineer. In addition to his goal, he had the caliber too. After passing 10th standard with good marks, he went to schools to get admission in 11th Science. But because he was physically challenged, he was denied for an admission in science stream for the reason that a handicapped person can not have such a high profession, i.e. as of a Doctor or an Engineer. He tried many schools but none of them entertained him at all.

He got lucky and got an admission in one school, but it was too late. By the time he got admission in 11th Science, there were only 18-19 days left for first inter-mediate exam. But Principal of school told him not to worry about that by saying that because he is so clever he will be treated as a special case and he can skip this exam and directly start studying for the next part. To everyone’s amaze, Suresh gave exam with preparation of only 18 days and earned 2nd rank in entire school. Looking at such a bright result, he was given some extra facilities in school so that he can study without any hustle. Then again he scored excellent marks in 12th standard. But as per the rules for handicapped people, he couldn’t get admission in medical or engineering. Rule says that, if anyone is handicapped more than 60%, then they can not study Medical or Engineering. Thus, despite being a scholar student, he couldn’t study further. He had to study B.com then. And it was his bad-luck too that at that time no one guided him about bright streams of commerce such as C.A., C.S. or M.B.A.


He has struggled a lot. First struggle was physical one. When he was a kid, his parents used to carry him and walk few kilometers to meet him to a doctor for check-up. Later, he struggled from education system. Then, financially and socially. Wherever he used to go, people used to treat him with mercy and unnecessary compassion. For example, once he went to someone’s home to meet him. That person’s daughter opened the door and saw Suresh Lalan there. She went inside and came out with a 10 rupee note! Such incidents were breaking his moral, but due to his strong will power he used overcome fast.

In Diamond Business

After studying commerce, he jumped into the business of Diamond. He joined a company and started working there. He adopted business so well that company offered him one of the senior post. He started earning handsome money. His life at ease now, financially and personal. In personal life, he met a Doctor who operate on him and made him WALK. Now he is able to stand and walk with support of couple of special sticks. He worked for years in diamond industry as an employee and gained great expertise in the business. Now he runs his own company in the field of Diamond only.

Suresh Lalan with his car

Suresh Lalan with his car

Suresh Lalan driving his car

Suresh Lalan driving his car

He has modified his car in such a way that he can drive it with his hands mostly. Clutch remains at his legs but accelerator and break remains in his hands. He does not drive only in the city but also has been to mountain range of Mount Abu and Saputara.

His mission for RIGHTS of Physically Challenged people

Suresh Lalan says that handicapped people don’t need just mercy, compassion and feeling of support but they too want to enjoy a same-level social life. At many public places, there are no arrangements for handicapped people, and not many even bother about it. To support fellow physically challenged people he is planning to establish one organization. He also often writes to various departments of Government regarding issues of handicapped people. But never gets any reply.

He is also putting effort in getting a reserve seat in Parliament for a handicapped person, for the reason that only a handicapped person can understand problems of physically challenged people better.

People he believes that gave his life a meaning

According to him his parents have a very special place in his life. Even God comes at second place, looking at what sacrifices they have done for him. Then, he believe that his wife Sonali is special for her support and care. And his son Smit – whom he loves the most.

(L to R: Wife - Sonali, Suresh Lalan, son-Smit)

(L to R: Wife - Sonali, Suresh Lalan, son-Smit)

Contact Suresh Lalan:

Email: suresh.lalan@gmail.com
Web: http://prempatro.wordpress.com


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

4 thoughts on “Interview of Suresh Lalan


  2. Nikhilbhai says:

    Dear Sureshbhai
    I am such Happy to read this artical.
    after I read this artical If you want to reach any ware if you have goal.

    With best regards


    1. Suresh Lalan says:

      Thanks a lot Nikhilbhai ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. nimesh patel says:

    Dear Suresh bhai ,

    I read this article.Congratulations…

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