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Valentine day is here

Valentine day.

Not just a word or a day but a bunch of emotions, feelings that global youth carries with. Valentine day gives a meaning to love. Like we have our birthday which gives meaning to our birth. I agree that, love is not dependent on any single day of the calendar year, but why not a day specially dedicated to love only? And love has direct connections with gifts, flowers and true emotions which are not just to be shown but to be felt deep down the soul of love-carrier. Giants advise the youth and gives valentine day tips and valentine day ideas on various tactics of Valentine day, all those Dos and Donts. Like “Do not fear on the day of Valentine, just propose you love the most”. But it ain’t that easy, is it?

Like I read somewhere a funny story on Valentine Day, which is rather called as ‘strict rules for Valentine Day’.

It says, Pick a rose, Spot the girl, Stand in front of her, Give her the rose, Hug her tightly,  If she doesn’t resist.

Battle won, the girl is yours, If she resists and stare at you angrily, immediately leave her and start clapping and shout “Didi Darr Gayi, Didi Darr Gayi“. Which means ‘Sister got frightened, Sister got frightened.’

This can be highly useful for losers I think, because they are concentrating on the dual outputs of that Ifs and If Nots. In proposing love, such formulas do not work. There should be total dedication, true feelings and no pre-thought result. Like Lord Krishna in Bhagwat Gita says “Do your Karma, do not expect the fruits“. He has said this centuries back and is applicable till date, isn’t it?

I remember our college days in Bangalore. Now you know that Valentine Day is highly celebrated in colleges. Not only for proposing but also celebrating friendship. Now we have a nice system of different colors’ flowers. Like if you love someone, hand over Red Rose, and if you believe someone just as your friend, hand over a Yellow Rose. Is it the flowers or feelings you carry within? Quite a tricky question, and answers can be many.

There also used to be few guys in our college who were smart. They believed approaching slowly. On this year’s Valentine Day, they would buy more than one Yellow Roses like Shahrukh Khan does in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. What they believe is, give a Yellow Rose this Valentine to as many girls as possible. Upon their acceptance of Yellow flower (mostly won’t deny, after all it’s a matter of friendship and not love), friendship is confirmed this year, which will last till next year. And upon the observation among all friends who accepted Yellow Rose previous year, they will chose one whom they think, will surely accept Red Rose this year and they propose with a Red rose. So quite a confirmed output they know by applying this slow but confirm system. Again, we would think, this is not love, this is a cheat. Well, then tell me what love is?

There are various ways celebrating Valentine day. Like sending Valentine wallpapers, Valentine poems (there are funny and dirty valentine poems), Valentine flowers, Valentine gifts, printable valentines, cute valentine sayings, valentine cards, valentine hearts, valentine ecards, valentine graphics, valentine clipart, valentine coloring pages and list goes on.

There are also some last minute valentine gifts. And this is just a portion of things you can celebrate valentine day.

Recently, I read an article in Gujarat Samachar written by leading Psychiatrist from Gujarat, Dr. Hansal Bhachech where he says “Celebrate this Valentine Day the unique way. This time, just do not forward the forwarded emails or SMSs that you receive from others who received from others. Rather write your feelings in your own words and send it to your beloved ones in form of a letter, email or SMS. Be creative this valentine day.”

This is truly a nice valentine day tip, isn’t it? We receive many emails and SMS on Valentine day. Of course, they are catchy, impressive, cool and beautiful. And sometimes we feel that some particular message describes our feelings as it is. But still, they are not written by us. So rather than forwarding them, make your own message. Write it down. And send it.

And a bitter news from India is that Sri Ram Sena who recently attacked a Mangalore based Pub and beaten young girls has declared their dislike for celebration of Valentine Day in India. They have threatened that on Valentine Day, they will be out with a Pandit (a priest) and wherever they will locate young couple having romance, they will there itself get them married. A shocking news it is. And religious groups like Sri Ram Sena gets high popularity during such days. They take them as anti-Hinduism act. I pity on their knowledge. Love has been celebrated in India since centuries. I guess they haven’t read the love story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. Their love story produced King Bharat, upon whom name of India was formed, Bharat. And who knows not about Lord Krishna’s leelas?

Anyway, I have a question for you.

What love means to you?


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

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