The basic rule of earning money from any trade is that you should invest in those commodities where the supply is less than the demand. The same rule applies for the field of real estate. The land limited, no matter how much it is, but it is limited.
So to say, those who could see future did invest in the real estate, because they knew that with more development of countries, more land would be needed to build buildings of different kinds such as residential flats, commercial shops, restaurants, shopping malls, sports grounds etc.
It is observed that the return on investment in this field has not been just doubled or tripled but even ten times in some cases. This tells that, still there is great opportunity in investing in this field. People would need a shelter to live, and as you know that the population is constantly increasing day by day. People would need schools to study, commercial complexes to have an office in.
Donald Trump says that Real estate is at the core of almost every business, and it’s certainly at the core of most people’s wealth. In order to build your wealth and improve your business smarts, you need to know about real estate. And how true he is with these words.
Buyers estimate the value of assets in the location of property. So it’s also of use to find out right estimate of property you are going to purchase. Market is always volatile and keeping this mind, you can buy a property based on the fact that where it will be after a period of five years. This may pour your pocket with full of cash.
Couple of interesting things that famous people have said about real estate:
Everyone wants a piece of land. It’s the only sure investment. It can never depreciate like a car or a washing machine. Land will double its value in ten years. In less than that. Land is going up every day.
SAM SHEPARD, Curse of the Starving Class
The smallest patch of green to arrest the monotony of asphalt and concrete is as important to the value of real estate as streets, sewers and convenient shopping.
JAMES FELT, New York Times, June 28, 1960