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Yoga by Pratibha Goswamy

Her name is Pratibha Goswamy. By profession, she is a yoga teacher from India. She holds a National Level record for performing various Yoga Asanas also known as yoga poses or yoga positions. Such yoga positions for beginners takes time and regular practice.

In above video, Pratibha displays an outstanding power of yoga. She takes a bottle full of two litre water in it. She drinks all of it at a time.

First of all, drinking 2 litre water at a time itself requires great practice. She does it quite normally.

Now comes the amazing part. She inserts a plastic tube in her stomach through her mouth, makes it reach into her stomach. It’s not as easy at it may sound while reading this. So play on video and see yourself.

After inserting that plastic tube in her stomach, she pours all 2 litre water back from her stomach through her mouth. Pratibha says “Do not try this yourself. It requires constant practise. Before I perform this yoga kriya, I make sure my stomach is empty..”

There are various types of yoga. Those extreme yogas are known as Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is a preparatory stage of physical purification that the body fit for the practice for higher meditation.

While I was shooting video of Pratibha, she looked totally normal. While she was inserting that plastic tube in her mouth, I could see that even she was struggling. Some tears rushed into her eyes. This is the level of extreme. This way, we can purify our entire body. I have heard a story from a person. He said that he used to meet Yogis a lot. There was a Yogi who he knew very well. One day, while he was sitting with him, that Yogi literary pulled out his lungs through his mouth. Washed them, made them clean and inserted again in. This is called Hatha Yoga. At first, I couldn’t believe this. But he said that there are those things in life, which are beyond our normal knowledge. We need to reach to them.

Watch this another video where Pratibha performs Jal Neti. A perfect video of Jal Neti Kriya.

Jal Neti is a process where in which, water is inserted in one hole of nose and is poured out through another. Jal Neti is an Yogic technique which cures all diseases related to eyes, nose, throat and brain.

These days in Western countries, mostly USA, Bikram Yoga is famous.

It is developed by Bikram Choudhary. It is also known as Hot Yoga or Fire Yoga. Why it is called Hot Yoga is because it is practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%.

Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90 minutes.

Here is another video of Pratibha Goswamy, where she performs various Yoga Asanas. Turn ON your speaker, as it contains beautiful music.

In this video, you will get to see, she performs various Yoga asanas, such as Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend),  Paschimottanasana (Intense stretch of the west),  Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog),  Bhujangasana (Cobra),  Dhanurasana (Bow), Halasana (Plow), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow),  Ardha Padmasana (is an intermediate seated posture),  Shirsasana (Head Stand), Shavasana (Corpse Pose),  Vajrasana (Diamond Pose),  Vrksasana (Tree Pose) etc.

Yoga is a vast field. There are many resources available on net and you can also learn yoga online free. Some Yoga centers even publish Yoga journal and provide free online yoga classes. Yoga has also been a business now. To perform Yoga you need special kind of yoga clothing (yoga clothes), yoga pants, yoga socks, yoga bags, yoga mats, yoga dvd, yoga music etc.. and many other yoga accessories. Of course, there are many benefits of yoga. For example, Kundalini Yoga is considered to be a powerful practice of yoga, which provides new energy to the performer and gives meaning to live life happily without worrying too much in this material world.

By learning various Yoga techniques and doing regular yoga exercises we can change the way of life. The 21st century people can achieve everything by means of money but peace. Those who do yoga exercise regularly can surely feel a new bunch of energy falling upon him/her. Laziness gets kicked out of body. A vitality comes in. A new vision opens towards life. It’s such a wonderful experience.

Even schools now have yoga for kids in their extra curricular activities. Of course, yoga taught to kids is of basic level. But if every kid is taught yoga from childhood, they can have a far better life. Yoga also gives a meaning to life. Yoga is for everyone. Yoga for men and women have the same meaning and can be performed at one’s capacity.

Because Yoga too has been remixed, these days we also get to see naked yoga, topless yoga or sexy yoga. They have twisted the meaning of real yoga. Of course, Hinduism have the stories of performing some yoga kriyas by being nude and some Tantrics in India, even today perform naked yoga, but that’s not the real form of yoga.

Why I know this much about Yoga? Answer is simple. I have many friends who  by profession are yoga teachers!

Comments appreciated.


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

One thought on “Yoga by Pratibha Goswamy

  1. The kind of AASANAs performed by Pratibha are amazing. Keep up the good work and may you re-unite with your enlightened soul!

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