And like Speak Bindas, do not scare, do not worry what others will feel about what you speak.
Nishit Parekh, popularly known as RJ Nishit is combination of humor and talent. By profession, he is a Radio Jockey at Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM Rajkot station where he hosts a morning 7 to 11 show called ‘Hello Rajkot‘, which is quite a popular show as Nishit shares interesting information on Rajkot, brings local celebrity for the interview and much more.

RJ Nishit having a cup of coffee
A commerce graduate, winner of three consecutive Public Speaking Content organized by Times of India, quite a humorous and friendly persona makes him the young heart-throb of Rajkot, having a huge and active fan base proves the same.
With Rupal Tank, Speakbindas Correspondent, he shares his Radio Mirchi’s interesting audition interview experiences, his hobbies and weird encounters that he had with his some of the fans.
Rupal Tank: Hello Nishit, welcome to Tell us about your show which you host now on Radio Michi 98.3 FM.
Videos of Interview
Part 1
Part 2
Excerpt of the Interview
- RJ Nishit: Thank you Rupal. I am hosting ‘Hello Rajkot’ since last one and half years. The show is all about Rajkot, we talk Rajkot, we feel Rajkot and we make sure that Rajkot listens to us because the entire thing is about Rajkot like the problems of Rajkot, happiness of Rajkot, sadness, festivals of Rajkot. Everything about Rajkot is ‘Hello Rajkot.’
Rupal Tank: Your graduation is in commerce. Your father has a factory. You could have joined your father’s factory as well. So why did you chose to become an RJ?
- RJ Nishit: Initially I joined factory when I was in 10th standard and roaming around and when I was wasting money like anything, so my father one day got hold me and said that now join the factory, this is it! I said that, ok.
- One fine day I bunked the college and I stepped in Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM for the interview. I got selected. My father was the first one to support saying that go ahead, that your talent that has come up. Even I went down to Khandala to become an MBA which I could never become because on the day of my interview I got selected there and as well at Radio Mirchi. And being ‘Vaniya’, I calculated two things that there were two options either I pay for MBA fees or I earn from Radio Mirchi. So I chose earning rather than spending and I became an RJ.
Rupal Tank: Apart from doing your Radio Jockey job, what are your areas of interest?
- RJ Nishit: I play synthesizer which is a musical organ to which we call Casio in Gujarat which infact is the name of the company! I also play Guitar. Along with that I am also interested in teaching English subject because I have done CAT and other such similar exams. I am not flattering here but I have been the top ranker in Rajkot for consecutive three years in Times of India for Public Speaking Contest. So I teach to my juniors how to speak, what to speak, when to speak, what should be the behavioral manners etc.

RJ Nishit
Rupal Tank: Your show ‘Hello Rajkot’ starts at 7 in the morning. So how do you manage to wake up early everyday? Is it easy?
- RJ Nishit: Well, it is not at all easy especially for a person who has been sleeping from night 10 to morning 10 for last 20 years and suddenly one day my boss Chaitanya Bhatt comes and tells me “Now you will be doing ‘Hello Rajkot’, congratulations!” On salary basis it looks very good like I am doing the prime time show but when it comes to every morning wake up at 5 am, take bath compulsory, brush your teeth again compulsory, reach office at sharp 6 am. If it is 06:10 am and I haven’t reached, security calls my boss and informs. At 07:00 with fresh voice, I start speaking. So it is not at all easy.
- But once you start doing this thing, once people start loving your voice, they start calling you up at 6 am in the morning like “Nishit, I want you to wish my brother a Happy Birthday.” And even at 06:00 am when there is no traffic beats, I get calls saying that there is school rickshaws traffic jam. It makes me feel good knowing somebody is listening to me even at early morning and that adds the spirit that I am going to do this show. And then over the period of time, you feel good.
Rupal Tank: Career of an RJ is very attractive. These days we see a trend in youth that they wan to pursue their career as an RJ. Tips or message you would like to share with them?
- RJ Nishit: This is the biggest thing like for the last two and half years I was growing up as an RJ and receiving the messages from others and today with your question I feel that, I have become mature enough to pass on the messages!
- To become an RJ is about talent and luck, both. If I hadn’t been lucky, I wouldn’t have been here. Second thing is talent. And talent comes from practice. I am a big fan of movies and one of my favorites is, of course a flop one, Ek Khiladi Ek Hasina, where in a scene, Fardeen Khan and Firoz Khan, both are in a lift and flirting with a girl who is pretty young. Firoz Khan is standing there, he smells her perfume and he names it. Fardeen Khan who is around 28 years of age, asks him “How do you do it?”, and I remember Firoz Khan saying “Practice, Practice and more Practice.”
- I say Practice, learn, learn, practice, learn and practice! This is how you do it.
Rupal Tank: Your show is ‘Hello Rajkot’, where you talk about Rajkot. One can not speak this much about Rajkot, but you know even minute details about Rajkot that most of the times the Rajkot listeners wouldn’t be knowing at all. How do you know this much about Rajkot?
- RJ Nishit: Before I was selected, I remember my interview at Hotel Imperial Palace. My ex-boss and cluster-head sitting right infront of me and they asked me three questions. 1. What is population of Rajkot(At that time it was 12.5 lacks)? 2. Which is the best place to eat Gathiya (I said, Bajrang and Labela), 3. And best place for Samosa (I said, Anil’s Samosa which has been closed).
- The motto of saying is that, you have to feel Rajkot. I have been living here for past 20 years now, so I love this city, I feel it. You have to understand what people want, what are they talking about, where do they go? If it is industrial area like Bhaktinagar or G.I.D.C., you should be knowing what are they doing there. Trust me, people living on Kalawad Road are totally different from people living in Jagnath plot area. Entire jug is different. Then I gotta create notes on it, and so far I have filled 20 diaries which has everything about Rajkot which I have mugged up. And then I roam around Rajkot in the evenings.
Rupal Tank: Nishit, you have huge fan base. Do you remember any crazy things done by your fan/s? Like through phone calls?
- RJ Nishit: There are two things that I remember. Once upon a time we had a RJ hunt audition. There were some ladies, I don’t know how they got my number. They kept calling me entire afternoon when I actually love sleeping. You can not afford waking me up in afternoon from 2 to say 5 because it is the best part of my life and I am sleeping. The lady calls me up at this time, praises me for some 20 minutes and then suddenly says “There was nothing special to talk, I just wanted to know if I got selected in the RJ audition!!” But when you are a popular figure, you can no become harsh and say “Don’t ever call me again.” It’s like “Sister, now I am sleeping, can you call me later on?”
- Few days back only, a lady whose name I won’t mention here, who is married and has a kid too. She calls me up and says “Nishit, I love you so much, I want to leave my husband!” I said “Excuse me, I am just 24 years old, and I am not interested in a married lady!!”
- And then, there is a guy who, whenever sees me he wants to hug me. I don’t know for what, because I am not that kind of person, I am absolutely straight! One fine day, which was actually a bad day for me, and I was lucky we had a one security guard and an office boy here at Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM’s studio, he came here and he wanted to kiss me! So I ran and called up security guard asking to throw him away, and only after that I could go to home.
- But it’s a great thing that I have a fanbase. Thank you so much for loving my voice and the content that I speak on air.
Rupal Tank: Nishit, how were your Mirchi auditions?
- RJ Nishit: I tell you, it was some four month long procedure. As I said I had bunked my college and I was about to go watch a weird English movie in Galaxy theatre at 10:00 am. My entire friends group was missing, so I was roaming on Dr. Yagnik Road where I read a hoarding which said “Interview – Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM.” I went there, and it was the first interview. I remember the interesting conversation then. My ex-boss and cluster-head said “Why should we give you a job?” I said “I belong to a poor family and I need a job!” They asked “What vehicle do you ride?” I said “CT 100”, to which they asked “why”, I said “As it gives average of 90 km/hr. and secondly my dad didn’t buy me a Bajaj Pulsar!” And again they asked me “Why should we give you a job?” I said “Because you want me!”
- Second one was voice audition at Harmony Studio on Nirmal Convent Road. I had never been to such an audition before. Studios are a different world in its own sense, you see nothing but a mike and mirror!
- So I was searching there for someone who can guide me on what to do next? I found our senior Mr. Chirag there who has a heavy voice, he asked me “What you want? Get lost!”, I said “I am lost, tell me what to do!” Later, I was given a mike for voice testing and I started abusing that guy without knowing it was being recorded! To which they said “You have got a nice voice.”

RJ Nishit in the studio
Rupal Tank: Which episode of your show ‘Hello Rajkot’ that you liked the most, say for the good response you received from the listeners?
- RJ Nishit: I get huge response on Wednesday when we give away movie tickets as it is celebrated as Blockbuster Wednesday. But if you ask me about emotions then, one show I remember which was about children who were the needy ones. I had two kids, one’s father was a watchman and other’s a clerk. We called them up at studio and asked what they want? One said “I need a computer.” And I am very much thankful to Rajkot that after fourth of fifth minute of this kid’s desire, I got almost 13 calls and they said “Nishitbhai, where do we deliver the brand new computer?” Where as in the matter of fact, I had requested listeners to donate their second hand computer which they are not using! And with God’s grace, we gave new computers to more 6 kids.
- Then I also had a funny show on ‘Sadhu-Sants!’
Rupal Tank: What message you would like to give to your fans through Speakbindas?
- RJ Nishit: I would say “Speak Bindas”, because I believe that speaking is the biggest blessing given by the God. And when you are visiting, open up a new window and type there. Talk to me there. People complain me that I am on air only from 7 am to 11 am. So meet me on the site anytime.
And like Speak Bindas, do not scare, do not worry what others will feel about what you speak. It is about sharing my opinion which I do everyday on ‘Hello Rajkot’
super che!!!!!!!!!!!!
its great to see two of my best friends doing something so splendid ๐
@rupal: gr8 work girl ๐
@nishit: waiting for a treat… you are now more famous
need more mirchi madness?? log into rajkot
Nishit is quite a charming person. Most of the people take him as just a funny guy. Believe me, that is just a part of his multidimensional personality. He is a brilliant scholar, a man with appropriate knowledge of behavioral management and above all a person to be comfortable sharing time with.
I believe, through this interview, we have known him better. It’s not easy to be funfull person (not funny!).
Nishit, proud to have met you and known you a bit through this interview.
You are adding smile to many faces, which very rare people can do, so keep your head high.
Congratulations, for taking Nishit out of Nishit. Job well done.
who is the next rupal? first Dilip Joshi then RJ Nishit. u have become very famous now.
very well done. congratus dear
I m so happy for u.doin very well job, keep it up…..
Guys do u know i felt very very superb ho after watching this interview because che ne Rupal is my student and Nishit is che ne my X colligueeeee…both have done great job…ae keep che ne it up!!!!
hi nishitbhai aap ka progaram bahot aachha he