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You should never give up says Pallab De

Pallab De is a 21 year old Computer Science and Engineering student from India who runs Pallab dot Net. He is a freelance blogger who has guest blogged at several renowned blogs in the past and currently writes for Techie-Buzz. Pallab loves trying out new software and spends most of his day breaking and fixing his PC. He also enjoys participating in the social web. Pallab has been active in technology forums since he was a teenager and currently loves spending time on Twitter.

Pallab De

Pallab De


Q1: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?

A1: Before getting started, I would like to thank you for providing me this opportunity.

I began blogging when I was 17. I started off with a simple blog hosted on MSN Spaces, but quickly moved on to a self-hosted one. My motive was quite simple. I felt that a blog would provide me an effective platform to share my opinion on events and objects that I found interesting.

Q2: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?

A2: Initially I used to blog about anything and everything that I found fascinating. However, nowadays I restrict myself to technical topics. I enjoy writing software and website reviews as well as sharing useful tips and tricks.

Q3: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?

A3: I get enough visitors to earn something from my blog. Majority of my visitors are from USA (close to 35%). Only 10% of my blog’s readers are from India.

I also have close to 500 subscribers who follow my blog through RSS or email.

Q4: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?

A4: Blogging allows me to earn a decent sum – not enough to quit a day job, but still significant.

Q5: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?

A5: My favorite blogger is Raymond. I also read TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, TheNextWeb, Webware and Favbrowser regularly.

Q6: From the secret bucket of your blogging experiences, what tips you would like to share with the fellow bloggers?

A6: One thing I have learnt over the years is that consistency matters more than anything else. Don’t give up, work hard and be consistent.

Q7: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?

A7: I relish blogging as it provides a powerful platform to share my knowledge and experience with others.

Q8: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?

A8:  Sydney, Cairo and Orlando (Disney World).

Going on a vacation alone is boring. I would love to bring my parents with me.

Q9: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?

A9: I am not a movie buff, but I do enjoy watching movies. Schatten der Zeit (Shadows of Time) is my all-time favourite. I would also rate Schindler’s List and City of God very highly.

Q10: How has blogging helped you other than money?

A10: Blogging has allowed me to come in contact with many wonderful and knowledgeable folks from all over the world.

Q11: What is your deepest fear?

A11: Being alone in this world.

Q12: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

A12: Umm.. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. I would like to know how he really died.

Q13: Which is your favorite television show? Favorite songs?

A13: I am a big time TV addict. My favourite show is LOST, simply because it encourages you to think and rewards your curiosity.

My favourite song is “Where do we draw the line” by Poets of the Fall. If you wish you can track my listening habbits on Last.fm.

Q14: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?

A14: Little more than 200 rupees.

Pallab De

Pallab De

Q15: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?

A15: I love Tandoori Chicken and dislike anything which is even remotely bitter.

Q16: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?

A16: Technological advancements definitely make life simpler and more importantly they improve the standard of living. Compare how our forefathers used to spend their days and how we are spending ours.

Q17: List out the 10 bloggers you believe should be interviewed by Speakbindas.com.

A17: Here are some bloggers I would love to learn more about:

Keith D’souza

Nita Kulkarni


Anand Subramanian

Shaunak De

Q18: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?

A18: One thing I have learnt over the years is that you should never give up.


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

2 thoughts on “You should never give up says Pallab De

  1. Kristi says:

    I agree, how could I have forgotten about Schindler’s List? I cry everytime I watch it- so sad.

  2. Jonny says:

    Great interview…. I have to agree, raymond.cc is a great website.

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