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Deception with Keith Barry

I have an unknown inclination towards subjects such as occult science, astrology, hypnotherapy, telepathy, psychology, illusions, weird facts, mind reading, ghosts, astral travel, mind power, will power, kriya yog, chakras, samadhi, saints etc. etc. Magic is also a form of art that catches my attention. David Blaine was the first of many magicians whose ‘Street Magic’ program got me more involved in the world of magic – as a viewer and seeker.

Keith Barry

Keith Barry

But today, I’m to share with you another very interesting person whose program I recently watched on Discovery Channel (INDIA). Program’s name is “Deception with Keith Barry“. Before I watched this program, I had never heard about Keith Barry or his profession. But when I finished watching this program, it made me jump into the ocean of internet to look for his material – written, pictures and videos and so did I find. He is an amazing guy.

Deception with Keith Barry

Deception with Keith Barry

He is a very fine illusionist and a mentalist. He will ask you to draw some figure and he will draw the exact replica of the same, just by looking into your eyes. He will also guess the name of a person whom you kissed before. Not only that, he would make you write down a digital number in a piece of paper, which he will guess very accurately. Being a mentalist, he also met a table pool player. He observed him playing and then what he did was amazing. He asked the player to put all the balls in different pockets of his shirt and pant. Now, while the player was putting balls in his pockets, Keith was looking at the other side, making sure he doesn’t know in which pocket, which colored ball he has put. Then he also did the same, he did put another balls of same colors in his pocket. And it was amazing to believe that the pockets he had chose for different colors of balls was same choice of the player too!

Anyway, I will invite you look out for more about him from internet and few links like these will help you out:

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Barry
  • http://www.keithbarry.com/ .

Also watch couple of his interesting videos below.

Keith Barry messing with Dermot Whelan’s mind

Keith Barry: Brain magic


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

4 thoughts on “Deception with Keith Barry

  1. amit says:

    same here bro. evn I got inclination towards illusion, magic, hypnosis, reiki and all. Infact, I did my BA in Psycho. only b’coz I wntd 2learn all this, unfortunately BA is all therotical. let me knw if Ur learn’n mind-tricks and frm whr did U learn dem.

    1. I have heard about some people who can do mind reading. If fortunate enough, I will be able to meet him and learn from them. Otherwise, rest is just theoretical as you said.

  2. rome says:

    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii keith barry.this rome from india……….

  3. keatile.m says:

    -keith u are my role model and i love your shows keep on with the good work we love youuuuuuuuu

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