Now a days it’s a kind of fluid on Reality shows in India. And they are willing to do anything to increase their Television Rating Points (TRP). Right now two reality shows are in limelight one is “Bigg Boss 4” and second is “Rakhi ka Insaaf“. Both have become the talk of the town from a viewer’s home to Parliament of India.
There are lots of people who are against of these kind shows. According to them, these shows are cheap, vulgar and non-sense, they are creating wrong impression on Children’s mind. A group of people who doesn’t like these shows have challenged these shows in Inidan court. They think that these shows are suitable for adults only. And Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) should give Adult certificate to these shows.
Yes, These shows are broadcasting some non-sense and some vulgar entertainment. But there is another group of people who enjoy these kind of shows just for fun and time pass. If these kind of shows are suitable for adults only, then live telecast of Indian parliament should also be banned and It should have adult certificate. Because whatever happens in parliament, whole world can watch through electronic and print media. We have seen so many times that member of parliament hitting each other with chairs and mic and with their own shoes and speaking bad words so loudly, also they attacked women members. These kind of action also can create wrong impression on children’s mind.
Don’t you think that this kind of action are not suitable for children? No, These kind of actions are not suitable for anybody. These kind of actions must not be happen in parliament. Because whole world is watching us. Now where are those people who think that reality shows are displaying vulgar, cheap and non sense entertainment. What ever happen in parliament is proper and whatever happen in reality shows is improper? Indian court has taken action and given judgment that these kind of shows that they will be broadcasting after 11 at night. Then why Indian court is not taking any action against of
“Daily reality show of Indian parliament”?
Yes, there was a issue while in TV show “Rakhi ka insaaf” TV anchor Rakhi Sawant made a comment on a person who came for justice in this show. And He felt depressed and insulted by her comment and he is said to have committed suicide due to this insult only. This kind of entertainment should be banned, also each and every TV star must know that they are public figure so what ever they do, they speak they must think twice before they react. Because lots of people are watching and following them through electronic and print media.

Late Laxman in Rakhi Ka Insaaf
In today’s time reality shows have become shortcuts way to get limelight and shortcuts way to earn lots of money in short time of period. They are willing to do anything to get highest TRP and always be in limelight through electronic media and print media. There are lots of other TV reality shows like “Kaun Banega Crorepati” (Indian version of “Who wants to be a millionaire”) and many more. These kind of shows are source of good entertainment. And there are lots of comedy shows too.
It is not a matter to be in favor of any kind of Reality show and it is not matter of to be against either. In short, every person should know that what to watch and what to follow. Parents should know that, which kind of TV shows their children are watching. And they should try to stop their children from improper content being shown on TV.
On the other hand, TV Channels should stop improper content and vulgar and cheap entertainment on TV with their own understanding. “Like every coin has two sides”. So, these kind of reality shows have two sides too, i.e. non sense, vulgar and cheap entertainment and another side is good, funny, knowledgeable and helpful entertainment.”
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Adolf Hitler once said “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
He knew people’s mentality even before a century. If you make a small lie, people will notice you and throw you out. But if you do something BIG, people will get confused.
Why do we think why Pamela was invited in Bigg Boss 4? Well, there are only two BIG reasons that everyone is aware about! Point is very simple. TV Channels are first showing such stuff in a simple way, and they keep showing it, and eventually people do start liking it and that’s how they do their business.
I agree with your point Tapan that before solving such television level issues, first the national issues of bad politics should be eradicated, open-fight in the parliament is one of the issues after corruption, scandals, scams etc. being observed in Indian politics.
But nothing is gonna change until every individual becomes the CHANGE that he wants to see in others (Gandhiji have already told this.)
I agree with your point Devang..”Individual Change”..
Otherwise I dun think by banning or stopping such shows can impact any more because person who wants such entertainment will surely get it anyhow by internet or any other shows and after all what I think is ” To Prevent ” is like to Press spring..It always bounce back with double energy..So,it’s better to leave it on individual choice..
If you are scarred of sun rays, wear sun glasses rather than to think of Antarctica..:P