Recently, I had come across a website – – which talks about the planet Hercolubus which is approaching the earth. I also learnt about a book “Hercolubus or Red planet” (Author: V. M. Rabolu) which is distributed for free all over the world by Alcione Cultural Association based in Spain. I simply requested for a free copy and received it within 10 days. The book is so convincing that I read it in one go. But few questions were raised in my mind regarding few matters mentioned in the book. Hence, I requested Charles Esser for an interview. He is devoted to this organization. He willingly nodded his consent and here below is the result, in form of an interview.
Q.: Dear Charles, Thank you for sending me the book “Hercolubus Or Red Planet” all the way from Spain. I have read it entirely, every chapter in one go and learnt about V. M. Rabolu‘s work. It was interesting to read about his views, teachings and experiences related to Astral projection, Hercolubus, Death and Extraterrestrials. His writing seems so convincing when he talks about Nuclear tests and Ocean. After reading it, a thought comes to my mind and is that, looking at the current scientific and technological advancements, we humans are destroying the climate – trees, water, soil etc. and which very clearly symbolizes the slow end of humanity, as when all natural resources are over, what we will survive with? But in the book, Rabolu talks about Hercolubus planet, the projected destruction it will cause to earth and powerful residents of this planet etc., that is where I feel like knowing that, what is it that makes him so sure about such predictions? Would you please shed more light on this?
Ans.: In the same way that it is possible for us to develop intellectual or artistic abilities, any human being who intends to do it and carries out a work upon themselves can develop spiritual abilities unknown to common people. There are many latent faculties within us and those, if properly developed, can allow us to investigate other dimensions of nature beyond the limited world of our mind and our senses.
V.M. Rabolu, the author of the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet”, was one of those people who developed great capabilities to research in the superior dimensions of nature. His book is the result of such research and therefore any person can verify by themselves that the statements in that work will be accurately fulfilled throughout time.
Everything unfolds or develops first in the superior dimensions and next it crystallizes in the physical or three-dimensional world. That is similar to an architect who wants to make a building: he first creates it in his mind or imagination as an idea; then, he crystallizes it physically. Such is nature too. Therefore we can investigate consciously in the superior dimensions of nature in order to know there are many events that will happen later in our three-dimensional world. The truth about Hercolubus is that the approach of such heavenly body will make the Earth’s crust completely unstable, thus changing the surface of our world. In addition, it will cause the death of plants, animals and humans because of heat. That is our final; it has already started and we can affirm that we are living on top of time.
Q.: Tell us more about Alcione Cultural Association, people associated with it, reason why it was incepted and about its work.
Ans.: The Alcione Association is a Spanish organization made up of people who are seeking their spiritual transformation. Those people are very committed with the dissemination of the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” worldwide.
Being aware of the future that awaits humanity and knowing the type of inner work that must be done by human beings in order to escape the catastrophe, the people in our association have devoted themselves to taking that universal message to the whole humanity. All our activities are carried out in an absolutely altruistic way. As long as our resources allow to do it, we will send a copy of the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” completely for free to anyone who seeks their spiritual transformation. We have been doing so for more than 3 years. That is our only goal: to inform as many people as possible and to give them that book as a “working tool”.
Q.: Extraterrestrials and UFO is such an occult subject that the mass remains in delusion about its existence, as many do talk about having seen them and at the other end, there has never been a public appearance of them. In this book, V. M. Rabolu talks about Extraterrestrials, Life on Venus, Life on Mars and Interplanetary Spaceships. This is where a question arises that, by scientific means, it is already been proven that there is no existence of such residents as mentioned by Rabolu, on the planet of Mars. In this case, how does the astral projection of V. M. Rabolu stands true?
Ans.: Firstly, we should be aware of human limitations. Scientific research regarding life on other planets is in a completely incipient state. Modern science still has to go a long way in the topic of extraterrestrial life. Scientific ignorance regarding that issue is so great that affirming that there is no life on other planets of our Solar system – on grounds of extreme conditions, of lack of water or oxygen, etc. – is like saying that the Earth is flat and that the whole universe goes round it. Our current knowledge about the universe and its laws is minimal.
Secondly, we should say that physical senses do not inform us about the whole universe but only about the three-dimensional world. Any Master of Wisdom or any competent esoteric researcher knows that nature is not only composed by three dimensions (height, length and width) since it is actually multidimensional. It is a big mistake to reduce life to the three-dimensional world that is perceived by our senses. The Earth and other worlds in space are multidimensional and life unfolds on each and every one of those dimensions. That fact can be only verified by those people who have awakened their Consciousness, whom we could call enlightened persons.
Thirdly, any person who has created certain superior bodies, e.g. the so called astral body – a supradimensional body – together with certain consciousness, will be able to travel with such body through space in order to carry out some research unknown to academic science. V.M. Rabolu, the author of the book we are disseminating, carried out his research by travelling with his astral body through that dimension still unknown by most humans. His accounts of life on other planets are based on his own direct experience.
And finally, looking at our three-dimensional level, we should not forget the numerous sightings of interplanetary space shifts that have been recorded all over the world. They are visiting us now and have always visited us in the past. It is necessary then that everybody understands that extraterrestrials exist, although sceptics doubt it.
Q.: It is said that the spiritual experiences are only to be “experienced” and not to be “talked”. In a way, we can not even “talk” about them, as it is not a matter of words but feelings. This is where the Astral Projection comes in place, that it is a matter of feeling it – experiencing it. But still, going beyond the boundary, I would like know about astral travel related experiences of existing people who believe in work of V. M. Rabolu.
Ans.: The path that leads our deep transformation is full of spiritual experiences. The experiences and teachings that we receive are something very intimate, which is addressed directly to the Consciousness of each of us.
During that path of spiritual transformation we receive special guidance and that happens many times while our physical body is resting at night. When a chela or disciple explains those intimate and personal teachings, it is as if he violates an oath and the result can be a punishment from the Masters of humanity and also from his own inner Being.
The truly useful action is to teach all people how to work spiritually to achieve transformation. In the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” anybody will find a clear and simple explanation about the techniques to achieve conscious astral projection and the system to eliminate our vices, defects and evil, which are the fundamental causes of all human sufferings.
To believe or not to believe what others explain are in reality the two sides of the same coin: ignorance. In fact, we only really know what we experience. Therefore, it is best to start immediately the path for our spiritual transformation in order to know by ourselves rather than asking others about their experiences.
Q.: Also tells us about the responses that you would have got from the people – around the world, by spreading V. M. Rabolu’s work – his book for free of cost.
Ans.: We are aware that the statements made in the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” are out of the environment in which we are living and we also know that most human beings lack of spiritual yearning. In spite of that, the Alcione Association is carrying out a global task of dissemination. As a result, there are always true spiritual researchers who are eager to transform themselves and who contact us. We are therefore sending books continuously even to the most remote and unimaginable places.
Our task is actually receiving a big welcome. We strongly wish that those who write to us take seriously the information contained in the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” and begin as soon as possible their path of regeneration.
Q.: In the book, V. M. Rabolu mentions that the end of humanity is soon. Does it indicate the 2012 theory?
Ans.: No, absolutely not. V.M. Rabolu does not indicate any precise date. There is no set time for the approach of planet Hercolubus, although all events explained in the book will take place in the short term.
He explained: “From year 2000 the whole planet will be in tragedy. It is not the end of life, but the true beginning of its decline. It is a process that will take years, but from 2000 we will be all in a tragedy…”
With the approach of Hercolubus there will be no corner of the Earth left without upheaval. The wish of the author, who is one of those people who has known by direct experience those events, is to warn and to urge us to raise our Consciousness so that we can change internally. In that way, we will be able to get the most of our lives since at present we are going completely in the wrong direction.
In any case, we must say that little by little – do not believe it will happen all at once – our society will witness in the coming years the increase in painful events such as earthquakes, active volcanoes, climate change, human migrations, economic crisis, wars, famine and diseases. Anyone of us will be able to verify that.
And eventually, after all those terrible events have struck humanity, the approach of Hercolubus will completely change the appearance of continents. That is the final of this humanity as we know it; the final that always comes in the Kali Yuga era.
Q.: Through platform of SpeakBindas, what message you would like to share with those who wish to associate with Alcione Association in spreading V. M. Rabolu’s work?
Ans.: First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to SpeakBindas for this unique opportunity to let our task be known. That is an invaluable help for us since we only rely on our own means, which are very limited since we seldom receive external aid.
We want to share a message of inner transformation with the whole humanity. We are in the beginnings of the 21st century and human beings have not changed at all. We continue to disregard this wonderful school that life is and we waste our time living away from the truth. Our science and technology are every day more and more powerful, but we must admit that this progress has also meant a loss of human values. Human beings have lost simplicity and with that, the secret of happiness.
Dragged by our greed, selfishness, hatred, envy, etc, we have filled the world with wars, misery and pain. All is very complicated nowadays because of our spiritual blindness. Only the search for spiritual values and the continuous work in order to eliminate our psychological defects will keep a ray of hope remaining.
We encourage everybody to learn how to consciously project in the astral dimension since that will enable us to investigate and to receive guidance about the coming events. In addition, we will be able to act with consciousness in order to efficiently help humanity in these difficult times.
The elimination of the psychological defects and the astral projection are extremely necessary and urgent in these times. That is our message for those who read these words.
The Alcione Association will greatly appreciate any support in the dissemination of the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. Any person willing to know more about us can contact us through any of our sites:
We reiterate our gratitude to SpeakBindas and we wish that the light can crystallize in the hearts of all people.
Before I can decide whether or not I should access the materials of your organization, I would want to know how this new knowledge would affect my christian faith. My faith in the christian doctrin which led to my absolute dependance on the workings of the Holy Spirit is so strong that can I ill-afford any contrary teaching, even if from angels, to overthrow that faith. The Trininity is my life. He is all I live for every moment of my life. Looking forward to hearing from you. John
I think you should just drop some pure LSD and open your mind. Faith is belief. Belief. Instead, learn from personal experience.
“Thank you, Charles Esser, for sharing your insights from the Alcione Association! Your perspectives on [specific topic discussed] are truly enlightening. It’s inspiring to see how your work is making a difference in [related field or community]. Looking forward to learning more about your initiatives!”