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Launching of Book “Your Turn Now” on January 19, 2013

In the year 2011, we had interviewed Rushabh Turakhia, creator of YourTurnNow concept who has so far spread thousands of Your Turn Now cards and has played a vital role in adding smile on people’s faces. He is back with another milestone this time, a book of inspirational stories, true stories. The book is acclaimed to be a kids book but I believe that it would be a book for readers of all ages. We wish Rushabh, author and publisher all the best wishes for this book to reach to many. Below are details of the book and the launching program which is to be organized in Mumbai on January 19, 2013.



Published by: FunOKPlease Publishing India
Concept by: Rushabh Turakhia
Written by: Lubaina Bandukwala
Illustrated & Designed by: Shraddha Pimputkar
Distributed by: Shree Book Centre
ISBN No: 9789381593028


Remember the time someone ran past you in corridor and jostled you against the wall?
Remember the time no one shared a sip of water when your bottle fell and the water spilled out?
Remember the time no one was your friend for the day?
Remember the times you looked for a moment of kindness but did not find it?
The fact is everyone has a well of kindness deep inside of them. You just have to remind them to use it. And when they do, it triggers off a chain of happiness that transforms everyone it touches.
‘Your Turn Now’ is a movement started by Rushabh Turakhia with a simple concept – to remind children and adults to use their innate kindness. This movement has now spread to several countries and has touched hundreds of lives. From housemaids to housewives, from students to tourists, from children to old men, they have all been touched by a stranger’s kindness. They share these special moments in this heart-warming, inspiring collection of stories.

What they’re saying about this book:

Cherry Divecha-Shethia
Editor, Robin Age, Children’s newspaper
The stories are enticing for children to read, understand, follow and repeat. YOUR TURN NOW serves as the perfect inspiration for children and encourages them to carry out simple acts of kindness

Shaheen Mistri, Founder of Akanksha Foundation and Teach for India
The book is charming, simple and illustrates the huge power of little things.


“Your Turn Now” and is a global kindness project started in 2009. Your turn now is basically about making the world a better place through nameless acts of everyday kindness. Its simple –you help someone in any way, big or small, from offering a traffic policeman a bottle of water on a hot day to helping an accident victim and instead of stopping there, you give them a card that says “Your Turn Now”. It’s a simple ‘pay-it-forward’ concept involving no monetary transaction and no affiliation to any company, corporate house, religious organisation or community. Since its inception in 2009, we have handed out over 91,000+ cards and the movement has spread to 28 countries around the globe in 8 different languages! You can call for YOUR TURN NOW cards from our website www.yourturnnow.in or send a text message on +919029602897  or email at rushabh@yourturnnow.in

About FunOKPlease Publishing India

We publish books for the curious little Indian! Our books aim to help kids develop an understanding of the world around them, learn important educational concepts and life learning skills, all in a context that is distinctly modern and Indian. We publish activity books, picture books, reference books, recipe books and story books. For more information, please visit our website www.funokplease.com or find us on facebook.

About the Vatsalya Foundation

The Vatsalya Foundation was initiated as the field action project of College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan in 1982 and registered under Bombay Public Trust Act in 1994. It also comes under the Income Tax Exemption Act, 1961 and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976. The years gone by have seen the consolidation of Vatsalya’s activities towards the development of the child, thanks to the cooperation and collaboration of various groups, non- governmental organizations and funding organizations

The Vatsalya Foundation
Anand Niketan, King George V Memorial,
Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi (W), Mumbai : 400 011
Telephone : 091 022 24962115, Telefax : 091 022 24912352
Email : thevatsalyafoundation@gmail.com
Website: www.thevatsalyafoundation.org

Front title of book "Your Turn Now"

Front title of book "Your Turn Now"


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

One thought on “Launching of Book “Your Turn Now” on January 19, 2013

  1. Irfan I Nathani says:

    Please send the copies of the book to me by my call as on my no.9869121911

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