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Road traffic

Road Traffic video

Duration: 2 minutes


What if something you DO just to KILL time and that particular moment proves to be a money earning moment?

You will be happily surprised, won’t you? The same thing happened with me with above video. One evening, there was no electricity in my office and I had nothing else to do offline so I was standing at the window and looking at the passing by traffic on the road.

Suddenly, I got an idea to record it, so I took my camera out of the bag and started recording it. Recorded it for couple of minutes and electricity came back. By that time, 2 minutes of recording was done of furious Indian traffic.

After being online again, I thought of uploading it at Metacafe.com as that site used to pay $100 for 20,000 views of your video. I had no hope to get these many views but out of intuition I uploaded it there.

Then for two days I even forgot that I had uploaded it on metacafe. When I checked number of views after two days, I was speechless. It showed me 15,000! I couldn’t believe my eyes, but 15,000 was what it showed. Now just 5000 views were to be done in order to receive a $100 bill.

And in the period of next three days, it crossed 20,000 views. And above video hence earned me $100 at first. Later as the more views increased, it earned me more money too.

Above video is taken at one of the circles of Gondal Road of Rajkot city. This road is mostly having heavy traffic during pick hours. You can clearly see in the video that, there is as such road traffic management or road traffic control. Everything seems to be on its own. Cycles, bikes, rickshaws, buses and all kinds of vehicles are passing by each other with a very minimal of distance from each other. And still no accidents due to such road traffic.

It’s like, people of Rajkot are used to drive in such a mess! It’s just a routine.

And it earned me money, isn’t it great?


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

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