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Success through Value Creation

What Will you read in this Interview?

  • I would say focus on creating value, even if you are surrounded with exploiters; this is the only key to long term success.
  • A value creator may not generate instant results, but he keeps moving ahead at steady speed.
  • Complaining is also a form of value deletion.
  • They should know that they are the creators of their own destiny.
  • A hobby allows us the joy of being creative without any pressure of results.
  • For some people, intensely engaging in hobbies for a long time can also open doors for a new career.
  • If you have done something good, then let people talk about it.
  • People who proclaim their own achievements begin to face hurdles from unexpected sources.
  • Focus yourself towards creating value and results will take care of themselves.

Read on…

Osho Shivo is a consciousness evolution guide, inspiring people for soulful living. He also applies his insights for CEO / Corporate training. He has created a series of 3 workshops on the theme “Designing Value Oriented Success Strategies”. This interview aims to put forth before our readers some of his piercing insights on day-to-day job realities.

Interview Begins..

Floyd: Welcome to the interview. My honor to have you!

Osho Shivo: My pleasure!

Floyd: When there is talk of success, we are reminded of successful celebrities and the natural thing is to try and emulate them. That is easily said than done. So, what do you feel is their secret to success?

Osho Shivo: If anyone has had sustained success throughout his life time, the key has always been, the overall value they have created for human society. Even though many of the famous and successful people are also known for having twisted the system for their own advantage, the fact remains that the value they have added is far more than the value they deleted due to their manipulations and exploitation.

Floyd: However, in corporate life one sees more of manipulations, backstabbing and what you call the so-called “value deletions”. How does one stay afloat and excel despite these factors in place?

Osho Shivo: Yes, lots of people try and figure out the short cuts to success by manipulating and exploiting the system, rather than adding value to it. But all such acts are just a trap, as they promise a quick success but ends up burdening you with failures over long periods. I would say focus on creating value, even if you are surrounded with exploiters; this is the only key to long term success.

Manipulators may have a flicker or two of glory, but they do not go far. Also, since their mind gets involved in manipulation, their own inner talent goes on crumbling and they start to get surrounded by the same kind of people, and hence keep getting trapped. On the other hand, a value creator may not generate instant results, but he keeps moving ahead at steady speed. Value creators also relish the continuous blossoming of their own talent. After a passage of time, value creators are much more likely to find a sustained breakthrough.

Floyd: Yes, that is very true but there is something within us that gets pissed off or angry so to say upon seeing these acts of manipulation. In this case, we end up complaining and depleting our energy in the process. How does one deal with this aspect? I don’t think we can change the system overnight.

Osho Shivo: Well, complaining is also a form of value deletion. Because of our complaining attitude, we stop to function optimally. Instead of getting angry with manipulators, one must learn to deal with them, knowing very well that in the long term their intentions will get defeated. As soon as you realize that manipulation is a trap, you would stop to complain and begin to focus on value creation. Also, instead of complaining, it would be far better to look for a job, which can provide you with a more nurturing environment.

Floyd: You mentioned about work environments. It is interesting to see nowadays how a major chunk of our youths work in outsourcing related industries like IT, BPO etc. These jobs promise great stability and financial prowess. However, more often than not one ends up in monotony and boredom due to the repetitive nature of tasks assigned. How do you look at this picture?

Osho Shivo: You have pointed out a very prominent point. Some people have the talent of serving and completing routine work with excellence. Such kind of people should definitely take these opportunities, as they are going to enjoy by getting involved in such tasks. However, if one has taken up such a job just for monetary prospects, he won’t be able to survive in such an environment for long and also; he will end up spoiling his own talents. Even though taking up such jobs may be financially rewarding in the short term, they turn out to be potential destroyers in the long term.

Floyd: It is indeed interesting to see how a little examination of our lives can help us to unleash the true potential hidden within us. Despite this potential we have these ‘dragging’ phases in life where value creation is simply not possible for us. The dangerous part is that this phenomenon makes us lose hope. Is there hope for people who find themselves in a situation where they seem to make no difference by their lives?

Osho Shivo: Well, such kinds of people are hoping that someday something will happen and they will suddenly reach a big stage. What they are lacking is the sense of responsibility for their own lives. They should know that they are the creators of their own destiny. Instead of brooding over their helplessness, they should begin to contemplate over their own value creation potential and be in action. They would then realize that the path will begin to unravel in front of them. This is the only way to be accomplished.

Floyd: Lot of talk about career and aligning ourselves strategically for success. What is the role played by diverse activities and hobbies during our leisure time? How can one leverage the leisure time in a value creating fashion?

Osho Shivo: Unfortunately, we tend to become result oriented during our career and work time. This robs us of the joy of work and creative expression, thus disconnecting us from the infinite reservoir of creativity. A hobby allows us the joy of being creative without any pressure of results and hence connects us back to our creative potential. For some people, intensely engaging in hobbies for a long time can also open doors for a new career.

Floyd: That sounds really interesting and in fact most of the celebrities are the ones who are living out their hobbies totally. Whether it is hobbies or work, we have a tendency to advertise or publicize what we do. How important are these ‘positive advertisements’ or so-called ‘marketing/highlighting’ of one’s little achievements?

Osho Shivo: This is very interesting. Lots of people spend their energy in such positive advertisements, without realizing the adverse impact. If you have done something good, then let people talk about it.

If you go hyper about your own achievements, people are just going to laugh behind your back and that would become a major obstacle. In my experience, many people who proclaim their own achievements begin to face hurdles from unexpected sources, without realizing that this is the consequence of their own behavior.

So I would say, instead of spending your energy in valueless activities, focus yourself towards creating value and results will take care of themselves. However, there are times, when one needs to talk about their work, but then they should engage in it with immense discretion and turn this into an exercise in leveraging their value creation. One needs to be very authentic and sensitive towards their ecosystem to accomplish this fine balance.

Floyd: I must say that is a really penetrating insight Shivo!

Osho Shivo: Thank you!

Floyd: I am sure all the readers can use these insights to transform their lives and create greater value. You have been teaching love, creativity and meditation. How do you find such lovely perspectives on these really practical and hard hitting realities?

Osho Shivo: Well, once you discover love, creativity and meditation, your whole life becomes blissful and your career becomes a divine manifestation. In such a state you begin to tap the cosmic intelligence and your job becomes a consciousness evolution tool. Real excellence is possible only in such a state of being. Accomplishments simply become the consequence of your immense value creation. This is the key to your FREEDOM from boring, mundane and horrible jobs.

Floyd: Wow, these are indeed wonderful possibilities. Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable time!

Osho Shivo: Thanks for this wonderful value creation oriented questioning Floyd. I am sure readers will derive immense value out of it.

Osho Shivo can be reached via email: oshoshivo@gmail.com and cell phone: 0091 93231 50873 (Mumbai, INDIA)

Note from Editor: SpeakBindas congratulates Floyd D’Silva for conducting such a useful interview with Osho Shivo. Most welcome to continue this journey of interviewing him on many other subjects that would provide a value to readers, for betterment of their life.


Posts by SpeakBindas Editorial Team.

5 thoughts on “Success through Value Creation

  1. # For some people, intensely engaging in hobbies for a long time can also open doors for a new career.

    Above line is very very true, for all those who wish to follow their passion. I am saying so because I am an example which proves above line by Osho Shivo, true by living it.

    And this also reminds me of a fantastic quote by Oprah Winfrey, which I would like share here below:

    “You’ve got to follow your passion. You’ve got to figure out what it is you love–who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.”

  2. Sarvesh says:

    This is the most practically interview I have read so far…Thanks a lot to dear Shivo and Floyd..Reading this interview can itself be a high value added activity in our daily routine..Highly recommended.

  3. Floyd says:

    Even though I have conducted this interview. I can still read these answers a thousand times more and marvel at the immense practical wisdom.

  4. Richa says:

    Really a booster for following one’s passion……

  5. “Success truly comes when we focus on creating real value for others. When we prioritize helping our audience or customers, success naturally follows. Great reminder that value-driven efforts lead to sustainable growth!”

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