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What is your favorite language?

Hey, everyone what is your favorite language and why? I am asking this question to you people who are spending their precious time to read my article.

Well, let me start my article with answer of this question. As far as my knowledge is concerned, I believe that one should know at least three languages, mother tongue (which is Gujarati for me) national language ( Hindi for all of us) and international language ( which is English as we all know).

I have reasons to write this, first of all one should know mother tongue because this is the first language with which one’s family members and others are communicating with each other. It is impossible for N.R.I. (born and brought up in other country) to speak out fluently in Gujarati, they are not knowing original language, the way we are using old saying like “ Man hoi to madve javay “, N.R.I. will never able to understand this.

Once I attended my father’s best friend’s son’s wedding. He was born and brought up in New Jersey, he was able to speak out Gujarati but he was saying to his relative who was female that “ tamane jamavanu kevo lagyo? Saro lagyo hashe?. I was laughing by listening this.

I mean definitely he could speak English fluently but here in Gujarat, he was making joke of himself by making such kind of mistakes. Never mind.

But really I am an art loving person, so for me it’s one of my dreams to read all fantastic novels of great authors in Gujarati.

For that I must know Gujarati language to understand all novels with it’s depth. When someone is going for shopping then even it will be difficult to make understand others if one is not knowing mother tongue of that place. Another thing is we can not share our thoughts to others more effectively. Second language is national language, for us it’s Hindi. Whenever a person is moving to some other place in India from his home town, again to communicate with others one must know Hindi, because wherever you go, no matter your going to Jammu Kashmir to KanyaKumari, mostly people are knowing Hindi, so that will be beneficial for all to learn it properly, at least we should be able to speak, read and write it properly. Pune is the place which is blessed with lots of hills and water falls nearby, it is a hot favorite location for students. Because it is having several universities available there which are offering different courses regarding to every discipline. So, for students, communication will occur mostly in Hindi, because students are coming from every corner of India, having different cultures with their different languages, so, Hindi gives them platform to share their thoughts with others, which makes them to be more expressive. Another thing I believe that Hindi is very sweet language of those who are in love (lovers!!), I also found it very bindas language. It’s fun to speak out in Hindi. For movie lovers they will be in loss if they don’t know Hindi because they will never understand our beautiful movies effectively.

Third is English, in which I’m writing this article and I love this language also. All the inventors and scientists belong to U.S.A, all the technical books are published in English only and then it’s being converted to other languages.

All courses concerning to Engineering, Medicine, Architecture, Management etc. are in English. Reason is simple as I have explained previously.

Students who are interested to study in best university they have to pass different exams and have to score good marks in that, as we all know it very clearly.

So, for further studies it’s also important for students. I believe that what’s wrong in that, it gives you courage, confidence to represent yourself globally. As well as one will be able to update knowledge by reading technical stuffs available on internet.

World is changing everyday, newer technology comes very fast to day to day life. If a person does not know English then he will never be able to represent him globally. So, no one should refuse by saying that I love my mother tongue and I’ll not learn English, it’s an useless argument I think. If I’m interested to publish my book one day, less people will read if I’ll choose Gujarati language, but if I’ll use English then I can cover more readers of whole world, who can read it as well as criticize it. This is just an example.

Same way if one company is launching its product to cover whole world’s market, marketing must be done in English language which is well known mostly in the entire world. I mean it’ll be more effective. So, these are the reasons for me, because I never compare languages as languages are emotional mirror of people, they are transforming their feelings by using different languages. All are beautiful and having equal importance.

So, what are you waiting for share your thoughts with me in your favorite language.


Posts by SpeakBindas Editorial Team.

3 thoughts on “What is your favorite language?

  1. Saluton al vi, Neema! Saluton means hello in Esperanto, the planned international language. There’s nothing wrong with English – my mother tongue – but it has native speakers, who are at an advantage when it is used internationally.

    Esperanto belongs to no one and everyone.

  2. Brian Barker says:

    Hello Neema

    I think Bill Chapman is right to put in a good word for the Esperanto language.

    Interestingly the President of the World Esperanto Association, Professor Probal Gupta, lives in India, but it is a truly international language.

  3. Chetna says:

    My fav. language is Hindi……not only becoz its our national language but its also a rich language. Apart from tht i know marwari (my mother tongue) & Gujarati and i love them equally well.

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