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Interview of Shailya Shah from Dhabkar

Dhabkar – such a touching word! Dhabkar means heart-beat. Shailya Shah who is the prime inspiration behind Dhabkar, was kind enough to have a fruitful conversation with us. It all happened suddenly. I was visiting Ahmedabad with my friend Sandeep Maniaar. He mentioned about Dhabkar and its activities. It really interested me and I asked Mr. Maniaar whether it would be possible to meet Shailya Shah. He promptly called him and time for an interview was fixed! Good things just happen.

Enjoy the heart-beats Speakbindas shared with Shailya Shah.

Speakbindas: What is Dhabkar?
Shailya Shah: Dhabkar is a group of like minded people, who are interested in Gujarati music and literature. Dhabkar is a platform for those who couldn’t carry on their hobby of music or literature. Our only criteria is your passion for Gujarati language. So if you are a writer, a singer, a musician or a composer, Dhabkar is for you.

Speakbindas: Who, when and why started Dhabkar?

Shailya Shah: I had this thought of Dhabkar two years before. Generally on Orkut, people do exchange scraps with each other, and these scraps do contain poems, gazals etc. either originally written by them or by others.

But people forget about that poem, gazal right after sending scrap. From that, I had this inspiring thought to provide a platform for this, and it remains not only virtual on internet but a physical group too is initiated. Exchange thoughts with each other. Dhabkar is my ‘ManasPutra‘.

Speakbindas: Shed some light on two projects of Dhabkar, Project Sur and Project Shabd.
Shailya Shah: Project Sur concentrates on making a song for your original poem or gazal and get it sung by a singer. So say, we have those writers who write interesting poems or gazals, we ask for the volunteer composer friends from Dhabkar group and they create music for the same, and while a singer from our group sings that creation.

Speakbindas: What is the procedure for joining Dhabkar?

Shailya Shah: Everyone can join Dhabkar. We have this link called ‘Parichay Patra’ on Dhabkar website (www.Dhabkar.com), after filling the same, your details are saved in our database. So when Dhabkar is arranging any activity or program, you automatically get an invitation in form of an email or SMS.  We have this very nominal fees for membership of Rs. 200/-. It is to cover basic expense for arranging a Dhabkar activity.

Speakbindas: How many total members Dhabkar has achieved so far? And which cities have joined Dhabkar group?
Shailya Shah: Head office is in Ahmedabad. One chapter is running in Gandhinagar and another in Mumbai. Total internet members are around 750. From Ahmedabad only we have 300 members.

Speakbindas:  What is the reason for limiting Dhabkar only for Gujarati language?

Shailya Shah: For most of the other languages, such regional groups are established and running nicely. I don’t know of any group which is delicately working for Gujarati literature and Gujarati language thereof. And Gujarati being my mother tongue I have more inclination for the same. Dhabkar is a payback to my mother tongue.

Speakbindas: How often Dhabkar organizes its activity? And what it covers?

Shailya Shah: Almost every two months, we have one meeting, say a program. Where in which, new singers, poets, musicians participate.

Poem reading and Sugam Sangit becomes heart of this program. Prior to this program, an email and SMS is sent to all Dhabkar members containing entire program details. It is more like an open audition, where a poet, a musician, a singer can get in, and our experienced jury gives their remark to the creativity of particular artist.

So after a selection of particular poets, singers and musicians, we support them in the rehearsal which is to be projected in the final program.

Shailya Shah

Dhabkar truly is a nice innovation by Shailya Shah and running successfully with support of his like minded friends. You can visit www.Dhabkar.com to know more about their moment.


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

12 thoughts on “Interview of Shailya Shah from Dhabkar

  1. krutish patel says:

    dear devang bhai

    do you do any field research before conducting an interview? some one might give false information just to get undue advantage and publicity

    your effor is good, but takecare of such people who are hungry of publicity and recognition, such people are generally failures in personal and professional life

    even if you delete this comment, please tink over the issue i felt teling to you


    1. Rahul Nakar says:

      Dear krutish,

      Shaiyla bhai, Dhabakar Parivar na adhar satmbh che, ane adhar kyare pan jutho na hoyi sake, emnje je pan information aa interview ma share kari che that is all right and 100% truth. hence from long time Dhabakar is doing regular activities in amdavad and mumbai.

      if you are in Amdavad or Mumbai, please try to visit the Gosthi bethak, it will clear all doubts which you have if any in your mind.
      sorry if you dont like my words………
      Thank You,
      Rahul Nakar – Kano

  2. Hi Krutish,

    You said “some one might give false information just to get undue advantage and publicity”. Now as this comment is under the article of ‘Interview of Shailya Shah from Dhabkar”, I would like you to speak totally bindas, if you found that, he gave false information to acquire easy publicity. I mean, when you blame something or someone, you should provide proofs as well. Just blind blames make no sense at all.

    Yes, I also know that, some people are ‘credit eaters’, who in a way, try to establish such a atmosphere that, whatever exists on the earth is because of them.

    I would like to hear for the bindas clarification from you.

  3. krutish patel says:

    i was just reading your site,

    this question struck me, so i shared of curiosity, i am not aware of this gentleman or his activitities, so no malice intentions for him, its just that i was on his page and i wrote my curiosity out…

    sorry if it got conveyed the other way,

    all i wanted to know or was curious of is as to what research goes behind putting someone on open and sharable international portal…

    do u study their work profile? previous performance? careers (for several professionals on ur site) or do u also study past press reports published on such personalities?

    if yes, is it possible to provide links to a few of such reports along with this interview taken by you? its just a curious mind..

    i hope it doesn’t convey any false connotation…

    looking forward for your opinion sir…

  4. I study their past life a bit, not that much. Why? Because, I like interviewing people in a positive manner. You can go through the selection of my questions. They are not at all of controversial. Mostly, because people I interviewed so far, belong to the category of ‘uniqueness’ or say ‘art’ or ‘creativity’. No political or controversial personality is interviewed at Speakbindas.

    Well, in future, if it happens that I am to interview a person with bad past, then surely I will do my homework with more details.

    My aim is to provide reading and video entertainment to people and know more about their favorite people.

    And the readers are always welcome to point out the holes they find in the interview with some details as supporting what they say. Feel free always to point out such a thing if you notice in any of the interviews taken or the interviews to be taken yet.

  5. Mr.Shailya Shah says:

    Hello Devang,

    I have noted comments of Mr.Krutish.

    Perhaps he is not know to any of us. But your comments are very depressing for me. As you know me and “Dhabkar” personally. After knowing “Dhabkar” and its activities you have contacted me for an interview. I have never approached you for any interview or any publicity.

    Than why you have not answered this gentelman Mr.Krutish properly ? Do you know him personally ?

    From your reply it seems that you have accepted his eligations and made me and “Dhabkar” a joke.

    I strongly condem your such silence.

    and if any of person wants any information regarding me or my Group “Dhabkar” are most welcome and contact me on my mobile 9825317210. you can also visit our site http://www.dhabkar.com

    And before making any eligations, contact the site owner. Coz he has made an interview and he had his contact details.



    1. Looks like you mis-followed the conversation that was produced above, rather you took it so personally. And when it’s about personal opinion, emotions do change the way of looking things AS IT IS.

      If you re-read my first reply, which I am reproducing below, you will get to know that, I am trying to find out whether that comment by Krutish Patel was for you, or was it on general basis.

      You said “some one might give false information just to get undue advantage and publicity”. Now as this comment is under the article of ‘Interview of Shailya Shah from Dhabkar”, I would like you to speak totally bindas, if you found that, he gave false information to acquire easy publicity. I mean, when you blame something or someone, you should provide proofs as well. Just blind blames make no sense at all.

      Krutish Patel then clarified his comment as below

      this question struck me, so i shared of curiosity, i am not aware of this gentleman or his activitities, so no malice intentions for him, its just that i was on his page and i wrote my curiosity out…

      This clearly indicates that, neither Dhabkar nor yourself are involved in the chain. Then, why you would like to feel depressed? I mean, my JOB at SpeakBindas is always to let everyone speak their mind and if things are seem to be going in wrong direction, try getting facts on the same. And that is exactly what I was doing above.

      You also said that From your reply it seems that you have accepted his eligations and made me and “Dhabkar” a joke. , may I invite you Shailya to shed more light on the same, i.e. where exactly did you find me accepting his allegations? I mean, rather you please re-read the comments again, there is no allegation at all raised against Dhabkar or yourself, and hence there is no chance of accepting it or rejecting it.

      You said that I strongly condem your such silence., may I ask you, what silence are you talking about?

      Taking things personally without checking the factual details, always leads to misconceptions.

      I didn’t expect such an unwise comment, at least from someone who is pioneer at Dhabkar.

      P.S.: I don’t know the commenter Krutish Patel personally.

  6. S Patel says:

    Mr Devang, you were sent an email highlighting the issue. It seems that email has been conveniently ignored. May I know the reason, why in spite of all these news in dailies, the subject group’s karta is still great in eyes of public, through your this interview, if they don’t know about that ‘other’ news? Kindly publish this comment, and your reply too. I would like you as journalist to come up with facts. Thank you. Sneha.

    1. This interview was conducted in the year 2009, focusing on specific topic. I do not take responsibility of personal behavior of people whom I interview. I am not the law here.

      If you wish to, you can definitely share here in the comment what you’ve shared with me through e-mail.

  7. My life’s first poem recitation performance was at ‘ Dhabkar’, Ahmedabad!Shaiya Shah Encouraged me a lot n i participated all the way frm Vadodara!It was a gd experience!

  8. Ashvini says:

    This person you interviewed looks so innocent and talks as if he is the greatest thing that ever walked on this earth. Shame on him. He is the most narcissistic, self-centered, egoist, pseudo, double-faced individual. God have mercy on him.

    1. Ashvini says:

      I thought you would respond by now and would be angry. I hope you took this joke very light heartedly and a way to show the people who write anything on the internet that DO NOT BELIEVE everything you see and read on the internet.

      I know Shailya bhai is actually very kind hearted and one of the most noble persons I have ever met.

      This was just to show others how previous posters could easily make bad reputation of someone.

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