Khodabapa is a satsangi personality. He has spent years of his life in finding answers for some of the core questions related with inner journey of soul. He speaks in total kathiywadi Gujarati language, and even uses some local spiritual words which indeed has depth of its meaning. To watch an interview that I had conducted, go to Khodabapa’s Interview page.
Khodabapa has delivered a discourse on Gangasati which is available in total of 6 video parts. Below is the video of his talks on subject of “Naam.”
Khodabapa’s Talks on Naam, Part 6, last part.
Khrekhr Khoda Bapane Sabhneene khubj Adbhut aanand thyo tevo aek Aatmeek Anubhvee ane Undanma utrela Aatma lagya, Aekdam Lok shaileema Unda bhedne Aasaneethee kholee shke che. Khubj aabhar hsre karva badal aapnopan. aava Vaktaao uprant vadhu Aatmeek ane philosofee par rjuaat karee shkta vktaaone pan samel karsho to khubj gamshe.
પ્રયત્નો જારી છે.