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Popular Occult Sciences – Question of Faith v/s Proof

There has always been a conflict between Science & Faith. Science asks for proof that we can see with our eyes. While Faith talks about believing in something without any asking questions or proof. For science, occult sciences are nothing but mental conditioning of people. This conditioning is...
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Astrology is better indicator of human behavior than psychology

Osho Shivo is an inspirational astrologer and carries the mission of turning astrology into the tool for making right choices in the current chaotic environment. He is the inventor of Energy Matrix Astrology, which provides unparalleled accuracy to astrological predictions.He is also making immense efforts to popularize the...
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Learn Astrology for Self Empowerment

Shivo has just challenged all the astrologers in the world, where he claims that Energy Matrix Astrology, an astrological method invented by him, is far more effective than Vedic and Western Astrological methods. You can know more about this challenge at the Facebook page- “Global Astrological Challenge” http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Global-Astrology-Challenge/117152614974408?ref=ts...
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Vedic Astrology v/s Western Astrology

Shivo has studied the vedic astrology as well as western astrology in depth, which resulted into invention of a whole new method – “Energy Matrix Astrology“. Recently Shivo has challenged all the astrologers across the world, where he claims that Energy Matrix Astrology is far more accurate and...
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